Monday, June 30, 2008

I think I might be "In" with the cool girls

You know when you start to hang out with a group of girls in school and it's a little nerve wracking because you're not sure if they're just being nice to you [and talking behind your back] or they really like you? That's how I feel about my blogging girlfriends. I mean, I think they're SO swell and I really want to be girlfriends have coffee, possibly a slumber party, definitely shoe shopping - that is if we all lived in the same city, state and country. Instead, we chat via blogging or sometimes an email or two.

Today Karey over a Mackin Ink wrote a very lovely post. She included me in a blog post about some of her favs. I'm so flattered. So, I think she really likes me! [I say in my best 13 year old voice] Lets hope she's not faking it and is gonna gang up the other girls and beat me up behind the back-stop at recess. Because, that, THAT would really suck.

Man, I gotta start thinking of some more "holy shit richie" stories. everything seems so boring now.

thanks karey!

photo via Gossip Girl >Fashionista


karey m. said...

i've never beaten up anyone in my LIFE!

i couldn't start with little old you!

Richie Designs said...

oh I kid.

when I was in 6th grade all the girls at my new school decided they hated me.

They made a "group" up and met behind the backboard. what they discussed there I'm not sure. They never beat me up but that was definitely the beginning of the end of being a confident young person.

I know YOU would never do that to me!

Amanda said...

You are so in the cool girls group. When I butted in to this group, I knew you were a cool girl as soon as I virtually met you.