Monday, January 18, 2010

We have a Situation...

We have a situation, not a Jersey Shore Situation but a female-chin-hair-situation.

It seems I've run into a number of women in the past month that are unaware they have The Situation. It's fairly notable so I'm a little puzzled about it. I guess not all women are as hair phobic as I am. So I'm here to offer a Public Service Announcement to save you from yourself.

Girls...Please even if you're blonde get a magnifying mirror and stand in real sunlight and check out the your very own Situation. In fact, take a gander from the nose down if you might. You might be a little shocked, I realize this, but you'll be so much better off for it in the long run. Please report back. I'm talking to you makeup counter lady, I mean seriously? you work at a MAKEUP. COUNTER. AT. THE. MALL. it's called Tweezerman seriously.

I thank you.

photo via BigMouthMedia

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