Sunday, December 06, 2009

Dear Santa,

Dear Santa,

If you are a sugar daddy, like I hope you are, I've been very, very good this year. I think this super cute Isetta 300 on Ebay would be the perfect stocking stuffer for me, don't-cha-know? I mean, really, don't you think I would look SO XTRA cute driving around our little beach community in this? people would stop and point I could advertise my letterpress on the side. It would be a talking novelty and convince people I was the the shizzle and buy fancy invitations from me.

Current bid is at 12k and the reserve isn't met yet I think you still have time, hurry!

1 comment:

karey m. said...

stop it. stop making me want the madsen bike and that damn scarf {but it's so CHEAP and harmless!} and now this.

just. stop.

and thank you again for your tom ford post. yum. i love him.