Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Hall Pass Feelings

Couple of things today. Took a few days off from life and it was amazing. But now I've got the slacker bug... You know how you take a little vac-a and it's not long enough? That. So maybe you're like me today and you really want to pull out the Hall Pass and go. It doesn't help that @studiodelucca texted me trying to pry me away to Santa Barbara to see the rock god Chris Cornell. I had to say no, I'm behind on projects. 

Anyway... This Hall Pass card is meant for your sweetheart giving them a free pass to hang with the boys or the girls. You get to decide if they still have to buck up the next day on chores despite the hangover or whether they have free reign on cocktail city  ‪#‎letterpress‬ ‪#‎hallpass‬ ‪#‎grownups‬ ‪#‎partyyourassoff‬
#oneticket #nightwiththegang

Friday, September 11, 2015

The dying art of cursive handwriting

please, please, please I beg of you. Make sure your kids learn cursive. The notes and letters that I have of my grandparents are so lovely. What if there is no humanity left in the documents we leave behind. Ugh it just breaks my heart.

Thursday, September 03, 2015

I can't stop thinking about this movie

Eddie Redmayne looks stunning in this.