Monday, December 24, 2012
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
on a strange day of christmas my true love gave to me...
Thirty, eight and nine year olds, 7 adults, 100 stamp pads, one typewriter and a double espresso in a pear tree.
I held an open house, field trip, workshop? what do you call something that small people attend? today at the studio. My studio meaning, my GARAGE. Since things are small in the studio, only three kids at a time could be in with us watching and then giving a spin at the press [with assistance and supervision]. Meanwhile, I pulled out my vintage typewriter, my assistant Jamie nabbed some awesome rubber stamps and the kids made some more prints on their own waiting their turn.
three at a time with Jamie - the wonder teacher.
the group waiting their turn - printing in other mediums
I may have underestimated the chaos factor of the stamp pads.
The vintage typewriter was a huge hit. Most of the kids have never typed on one!
The item we printed for them was a group art print. Each child in the class made a small drawing around the theme "winter" and also wrote their names in cursive [since that's a new thing for them this year] The finished piece was magic.
I held an open house, field trip, workshop? what do you call something that small people attend? today at the studio. My studio meaning, my GARAGE. Since things are small in the studio, only three kids at a time could be in with us watching and then giving a spin at the press [with assistance and supervision]. Meanwhile, I pulled out my vintage typewriter, my assistant Jamie nabbed some awesome rubber stamps and the kids made some more prints on their own waiting their turn.
three at a time with Jamie - the wonder teacher.
the group waiting their turn - printing in other mediums
I may have underestimated the chaos factor of the stamp pads.
The vintage typewriter was a huge hit. Most of the kids have never typed on one!
The item we printed for them was a group art print. Each child in the class made a small drawing around the theme "winter" and also wrote their names in cursive [since that's a new thing for them this year] The finished piece was magic.
christmas printing
I started working on this project for my awesome acupuncturist. This will be her holiday card for clients and we're going to pair it with other envelope colors so that she can use it year round to send out.
My favorite "less eating, more chewing" - It helps me not to inhale my food before I've actually chewed it.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Monday, December 10, 2012
Elves are busy
The elves are busy packing up packages for very, very good people. This jumbo set went out today. #luckygirl
Sunday, December 09, 2012
Top 50 hip hop songs of all time
Can I just talk about this Best Of list for a second? Genius. I'm not going to claim I own much of any of the music but the list is solid – you'll know em' tunes if you like music at all. I might venture to say I knew about 85% of the list and agreed with the ones I did know.
My top 3 picks from the [top 10]
Rapper's delight - Sugar Hill Gang
Sucker M.C.'s - Run DMC
Fight The Power - Public Enemy
get down with your bad self
My top 3 picks from the [top 10]
Rapper's delight - Sugar Hill Gang
Sucker M.C.'s - Run DMC
Fight The Power - Public Enemy
get down with your bad self
Tuesday, December 04, 2012
Esquivel Shoes
I began working with Esquivel Shoes a few weeks ago. I was excited to drop off my first order to them this afternoon before they head out to NYC for an event. and paper my two favorite things in the world.
Sunday, December 02, 2012
Linoleum Printed Holiday Cards - DIY
Here’s what you’ll need:
Linoleum block
Carving tool
Ink brayer
Paper [card stock or heavy weight suggested]
Table or work space [kitchen table works great]
Optional items:
Latex gloves – keep your manicure tidy!
Piece of plexi glass or glass
Carbon or transfer paper
Envelopes [if you’re sending out]
Vegetable oil or mineral spirits for clean up [oil based inks]
Come up with a design.
I created mine in a graphics program but you can hand draw your design as well.
Choose simple and bold designs for an easier time carving.
When you’re all set to go with your drawing or design we’ll need to reverse the image [especially if there is text!]. Remember: whatever you print will be in the reverse of how it’s carved.
If you’ve created it on the computer you can generally print it out in a “mirror image” in your print settings. If you’ve hand drawn it, tape it to a window, drawing facing outside, tape another sheet of paper over it and retrace it in the mirror image.
Your linoleum block.
It’s not kitchen linoleum silly – but a special art block available at all art supply stores and probably most craft stores. There is a hearty terracotta color block [photo top right], it’s difficult to carve and not recommended for kids [it can be inserted into a press at its increased depth.
An easier and softer version of the original lino blocks are pictured here the blue Speedball and the grey Moo Carve version. They both have the consistency of an eraser. Dick Blick is an online art supply store that has everything you need here.
Your carving tool
You’ll need this little carving tool to groove the areas out in your design. Many of them come with multiple tips. I tend to use two of them more than the others but you’ll find your own personal favorites once you practice. [my tool has a bit of tape around the grip area for comfort]. If you’re new to this, a beginning set is perfect.
Transfer your design to your block.
Now that you have your design printed or drawn out in the reverse, it’s ready to transfer to your block. You can purchase pieces of carbon paper at the art store or if you’re looking for the DIY way color the back side with a pencil and that will act like carbon paper. It’s a good idea to tape down both the carbon paper and your drawing to the block so it doesn’t move.
Begin carving your drawing. Always keep the blade pointing away from yourself and fingers. You don’t have to carve really deep, getting a groove in the surface is enough. If there are areas that need more carving you can always go back and take out more once you test it with ink.
At this time you might begin changing your design as you see the block begin to react to your carving. It’s OK to change as you go along [I did on this block]. Also remember that anything you carve will stay the color of the paper, anything left un-carved will print in your color. Once your block is all carved, you’re ready to print!
You’ll want to make a work area in the kitchen or at a table. You might put newsprint or other sheets of oversized paper down as the ink can get messy. If you happen to have a small piece of plexiglass or glass available it makes the best surface to mix and brayer color on. My studio has a large glass surface pictured in the next few images.
If you don’t have a piece of glass handy. Use a large piece of Bristol or heavy weight paper taped down to your work surface. The ink bleeds through lighter weight papers so thicker paper is recommended.
Squirt out a bit of your desired ink color [ I mixed a green with a pallet knife for this project] between a quarter and half dollar size. This should print about 15-20 images. I used oil-based inks but I would recommend water based for a novice printer. Oil needs a well ventilated area and is not recommended for children’s projects. Oil based inks also very slow to dry if you have limited space.
Once you have your glob of ink out on the table, you’ll need your brayer to roll the ink thin and even. The ink should have a slight suction sound but not goopy. You’ll be rolling the brayer over your block a few times crisscrossing to get the ink even. If you have too much ink, the areas in the relief you’ve carved will fill with ink and print.
Plan on testing your inking technique with 5-10 sheets before you use whatever paper you have planned for your project. You’ll need to test ink, pressure and the variables you’re working with. This is also the time to carve more out of your block if needed.
I found that having a significant border of paper helps. Getting an image perfectly centered on the same size paper is tough but not impossible. I printed on letter, sized sheets and I’ll trim the design down after for postcard style cards. Plan for additional loss of paper for a tight registration.
Once your block is well inked, it’s time to get it on paper! I chose to place the paper on top of the block. You can try it in reverse as well but getting enough hand pressure is tough. So, once the sheet of paper is on top of your block use a wooden spoon, your hand or another flat service to press the paper as thoroughly as possible to your design. Peel it off when you feel good about the pressure. You can add ink, carve more out of your block or adjust the pressure as needed on your additional practice sheets.
Expect imperfections in the carving and the ink coverage to come through. This is the beauty of the handwork involved. You can test your ink on different shades of paper as well. Kraft, white and ivory sheets are pictured here.
Step 7 -Clean up
Always follow the instructions on the ink containers. Generally blocks can be wiped down with a paper towel. If you’re using oil-based inks, kitchen vegetable oil is a good way to clean ink off of glass and your brayer. Mineral Spirits are also an easy way. Please follow all ventilation and safety instructions on cleaners.
Once your prints have dried, try scanning your favorite into your home printer / scanner [or begging a friend] and size it as needed for holiday hang tags in Word or similar desk top publishing program. Print on card stock as needed!
Happy Holidays! -Richie
Linoleum block
Carving tool
Ink brayer
Paper [card stock or heavy weight suggested]
Table or work space [kitchen table works great]
Optional items:
Latex gloves – keep your manicure tidy!
Piece of plexi glass or glass
Carbon or transfer paper
Envelopes [if you’re sending out]
Vegetable oil or mineral spirits for clean up [oil based inks]
Come up with a design.
I created mine in a graphics program but you can hand draw your design as well.
Choose simple and bold designs for an easier time carving.
When you’re all set to go with your drawing or design we’ll need to reverse the image [especially if there is text!]. Remember: whatever you print will be in the reverse of how it’s carved.
If you’ve created it on the computer you can generally print it out in a “mirror image” in your print settings. If you’ve hand drawn it, tape it to a window, drawing facing outside, tape another sheet of paper over it and retrace it in the mirror image.
Your linoleum block.
It’s not kitchen linoleum silly – but a special art block available at all art supply stores and probably most craft stores. There is a hearty terracotta color block [photo top right], it’s difficult to carve and not recommended for kids [it can be inserted into a press at its increased depth.
An easier and softer version of the original lino blocks are pictured here the blue Speedball and the grey Moo Carve version. They both have the consistency of an eraser. Dick Blick is an online art supply store that has everything you need here.
Your carving tool
You’ll need this little carving tool to groove the areas out in your design. Many of them come with multiple tips. I tend to use two of them more than the others but you’ll find your own personal favorites once you practice. [my tool has a bit of tape around the grip area for comfort]. If you’re new to this, a beginning set is perfect.
Transfer your design to your block.
Now that you have your design printed or drawn out in the reverse, it’s ready to transfer to your block. You can purchase pieces of carbon paper at the art store or if you’re looking for the DIY way color the back side with a pencil and that will act like carbon paper. It’s a good idea to tape down both the carbon paper and your drawing to the block so it doesn’t move.
Begin carving your drawing. Always keep the blade pointing away from yourself and fingers. You don’t have to carve really deep, getting a groove in the surface is enough. If there are areas that need more carving you can always go back and take out more once you test it with ink.
At this time you might begin changing your design as you see the block begin to react to your carving. It’s OK to change as you go along [I did on this block]. Also remember that anything you carve will stay the color of the paper, anything left un-carved will print in your color. Once your block is all carved, you’re ready to print!
You’ll want to make a work area in the kitchen or at a table. You might put newsprint or other sheets of oversized paper down as the ink can get messy. If you happen to have a small piece of plexiglass or glass available it makes the best surface to mix and brayer color on. My studio has a large glass surface pictured in the next few images.
If you don’t have a piece of glass handy. Use a large piece of Bristol or heavy weight paper taped down to your work surface. The ink bleeds through lighter weight papers so thicker paper is recommended.
Squirt out a bit of your desired ink color [ I mixed a green with a pallet knife for this project] between a quarter and half dollar size. This should print about 15-20 images. I used oil-based inks but I would recommend water based for a novice printer. Oil needs a well ventilated area and is not recommended for children’s projects. Oil based inks also very slow to dry if you have limited space.
Once you have your glob of ink out on the table, you’ll need your brayer to roll the ink thin and even. The ink should have a slight suction sound but not goopy. You’ll be rolling the brayer over your block a few times crisscrossing to get the ink even. If you have too much ink, the areas in the relief you’ve carved will fill with ink and print.
Plan on testing your inking technique with 5-10 sheets before you use whatever paper you have planned for your project. You’ll need to test ink, pressure and the variables you’re working with. This is also the time to carve more out of your block if needed.
I found that having a significant border of paper helps. Getting an image perfectly centered on the same size paper is tough but not impossible. I printed on letter, sized sheets and I’ll trim the design down after for postcard style cards. Plan for additional loss of paper for a tight registration.
Once your block is well inked, it’s time to get it on paper! I chose to place the paper on top of the block. You can try it in reverse as well but getting enough hand pressure is tough. So, once the sheet of paper is on top of your block use a wooden spoon, your hand or another flat service to press the paper as thoroughly as possible to your design. Peel it off when you feel good about the pressure. You can add ink, carve more out of your block or adjust the pressure as needed on your additional practice sheets.
Expect imperfections in the carving and the ink coverage to come through. This is the beauty of the handwork involved. You can test your ink on different shades of paper as well. Kraft, white and ivory sheets are pictured here.
Step 7 -Clean up
Always follow the instructions on the ink containers. Generally blocks can be wiped down with a paper towel. If you’re using oil-based inks, kitchen vegetable oil is a good way to clean ink off of glass and your brayer. Mineral Spirits are also an easy way. Please follow all ventilation and safety instructions on cleaners.
Once your prints have dried, try scanning your favorite into your home printer / scanner [or begging a friend] and size it as needed for holiday hang tags in Word or similar desk top publishing program. Print on card stock as needed!
Happy Holidays! -Richie
Saturday, December 01, 2012
no holiday wrapping here
This week I was on a shoot for an unnamed [automotive] client. Some props involved gift wrapping. Have I ever told you I don't do holiday specific gift wrap? hate it, won't do it. Construction paper at the art store kiddies - way to go. Also, I managed to find the most amazing dollar ribbon store on the planet. Yes, I will take 25 yards of satin ribbon for 9$. [psst... awesome gift tags with grommets found at Marshalls. Round tags from Target]
Here are a couple of the gifts I set up for the shot. This is what Christmas will look like around here too.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Monday, November 19, 2012
three potato four
these folks do charm like no one else. I kinda am having crazy dreams about the cafeteria seating it might be a problem very soon.
love of ampersands
I love ampersands so much I gave them their own board. contemplated a tattoo a few months ago, I think I'm too chicken. Maybe when I'm 50 and I know for sure I still love them.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Brooklyn Bride and Groom
Just getting around to photographing some invites. This one is from a June bride and groom from Brooklyn. Black and white with chevron theme.
oh those black envelopes are not my friend with the camera.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Mix Tape
Johnny Was Mix 1 from richiedesigns on 8tracks Radio.
I've been doing a bit of writing for a groovy clothing line called Johnny Was. We've started making mixed tapes so this is an experiment for them - but pretty fun I might say.
1. Baby, I love You - Aretha Franklin
2. Dreams - Fleetwood Mac
3. Tequila Sunrise - Eagles
4. Mambo Sun - T.Rex
5. 1963 - Rachael Yamagata
6. La Cienega Just Smiled - Ryan Adams
7. Place To Be - Nick Drake
8. A Strange Arrangement - Mayer Hawthorne
9. Last Good Day of the Year - Cousteau
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Oré Originals
like with any job somedays are more fun than others. I just wrapped up a shoot for my client Oré Originals. This was our last shot [photographer Eric Hameister is up, literally in the rafters to get overhead] with crew, talent and many a food prop already snarfed before the last click of the day. The most fun [and exhausting] of weeks! It's moments like these that I cherish my work.
see more behind the scenes stuff over on Instagram
Tuesday, November 06, 2012
Source: via Richele on Pinterest
I hope you get out and rock the vote today.
Monday, November 05, 2012
Finger Jello
I'm elbow deep in Jello right now. Kids catalog shoot this week. Have you ever had Finger Jello? You can pack it in a lunch box it doesn't melt. 1970's trickery I tell you! My mom use to make this for us when we were little so I called her and got the recipe.
3 - 3 OZ packs of jello whatever flavor
4 - individual packets of Knox unflavored gelatin.
4 - cups of water
I particularly wanted to make it into Mega Block Lego Shapes [top image]...but it didn't go so well. Even spraying them with PAM I had to wedge them out with a skewer. But silicone ice cube trays from ikea worked like a charm [and really are a better size for eating] I also sprayed the trays with PAM to get them out.
Voliá mini fish and star Jello shapes. The flower tray is especially cute and the perfect button of Jello.
photos from INSTAGRAM did you notice I finally got it connected to the blog? [button on left hand side]
3 - 3 OZ packs of jello whatever flavor
4 - individual packets of Knox unflavored gelatin.
4 - cups of water
I particularly wanted to make it into Mega Block Lego Shapes [top image]...but it didn't go so well. Even spraying them with PAM I had to wedge them out with a skewer. But silicone ice cube trays from ikea worked like a charm [and really are a better size for eating] I also sprayed the trays with PAM to get them out.
Voliá mini fish and star Jello shapes. The flower tray is especially cute and the perfect button of Jello.
photos from INSTAGRAM did you notice I finally got it connected to the blog? [button on left hand side]
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
my book
Source: via Richele on Pinterest
I saw this today on a tumblr and thought how lovely a whole book about me!
Because she is much braver than I to talk about it out loud read this. I just kept nodding my head yes, through the whole thing. anxiety is a little b*tch.
Monday, October 22, 2012
Nun Chic
I'm calling it Nun Chic. Who's in?
I had a dress like this 15 years or so ago. It was perfect, one.giant.tent.chic of a dress and I miss it. All three of these are by COMME DES GARÇONS so I won't be affording any of them but I want them all.
wear with brogues and a jean jacket or a high boot. I could jazz up the nun-chic look for sure.
plus? three dresses equals three whole days I don't have to think about dressing. pull it out of the closet, throw it on with a chunky accessory and go. I can't tell you how bad I just want ONE.
Source: via Richele on Pinterest
I had a dress like this 15 years or so ago. It was perfect, one.giant.tent.chic of a dress and I miss it. All three of these are by COMME DES GARÇONS so I won't be affording any of them but I want them all.
Source: via Richele on Pinterest
wear with brogues and a jean jacket or a high boot. I could jazz up the nun-chic look for sure.
Source: via Richele on Pinterest
plus? three dresses equals three whole days I don't have to think about dressing. pull it out of the closet, throw it on with a chunky accessory and go. I can't tell you how bad I just want ONE.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Monday, October 15, 2012
rock star
Source: via Richele on Pinterest
I hope you're a rock star this week. sing it loud and proud!
Saturday, October 13, 2012
still life with coffee
I love instagram. Where else can you snap art damaged shots like this and look like a painter and a superstar button pusher? #nofilter
join me over on instagram [richiedesigns] all the cool kids are.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
I have a decorating bug right now. No time or dollars to achieve this bug but there is some inspiration for sure.
It took me a year to have prints made from our wedding. They are currently sitting on my office floor. I also have about 1,000 things framed already in my house and stacked in misc places [artfully of course]. This stacking shelf idea is all me. Stack on the floors, stack on the walls it's all good.
these colors make me really happy. I might not be bold enough to do it myself but damn if it doesn't make a good photo.
orange and purple. I would have never considered it before this picture. It's growing on me.
I'm kinda crazy about how color transitions between rooms. One of the many quirks I have. This is kinda perfect really. As is that giant photo above the bed. Yes. No, on the green quilt covering the couch though. I'll pass on that.
Source: via Richele on Pinterest
It took me a year to have prints made from our wedding. They are currently sitting on my office floor. I also have about 1,000 things framed already in my house and stacked in misc places [artfully of course]. This stacking shelf idea is all me. Stack on the floors, stack on the walls it's all good.
Source: via Richele on Pinterest
these colors make me really happy. I might not be bold enough to do it myself but damn if it doesn't make a good photo.
Source: via Richele on Pinterest
orange and purple. I would have never considered it before this picture. It's growing on me.
Source: via Richele on Pinterest
I'm kinda crazy about how color transitions between rooms. One of the many quirks I have. This is kinda perfect really. As is that giant photo above the bed. Yes. No, on the green quilt covering the couch though. I'll pass on that.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
so this happened today
It's probably an intern running the Twitter over there but a girl can dream. Hey, maybe they found this stashed in a closet finally. If that's the case Jeff is up there in heaven helping a girl out.
Tuesday, October 09, 2012
read this
It may be every possible life question answered in the most thoughtful and amazing way. There were a couple of chapters that were so moving I had to put the book down and walk around the block.
I'm not sure I've ever cried as much reading a book, as I did with this one. I find it amazing that she never spent time in therapy. Her conversations are someone well versed in boundries and good, thoughtful living. Her trail adventure must have been one hell of a life learning experience.
Read Wild first but make Tiny Beautiful Things next up.
I'm not sure I've ever cried as much reading a book, as I did with this one. I find it amazing that she never spent time in therapy. Her conversations are someone well versed in boundries and good, thoughtful living. Her trail adventure must have been one hell of a life learning experience.
Read Wild first but make Tiny Beautiful Things next up.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
new in the studio: custom correspondence cards
some cutie correspondence cards headed out in the post tomorrow. Do you know Decorno? awesomeness all in one blog.
Interested in some for yourself? email me richele[at] for details
Saturday, September 29, 2012
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