I'm a big fan of Valentine's Day. You could verify this with my ex-bfriend who learned the hard way after he dismissed the holiday and I ended up in a puddle of tears.
I'm a fan of gifts {and a good card of course} getting gifts is great but I love buying them mostly, planning something sweet for my sweetie. This year though I told Chris not to get me one - just a card. We're still broke if I haven't told you lately. That whole "I'm starting a business" he's "waiting for his big surgery job to be approved" by the damn hospital [another time for that one] So I said, honey, just get me a card. He's brilliant at the card part - finds the perfect one, writes me a tear jerker letter EVERY SINGLE HOLIDAY I swear that man had a former life as a speech writer.
Friday he came home with a non-present though. It involves an REI gift card and him wandering around in an outdoor store. He said he was going to buy me fleece but decided it wasn't chic enough so instead he bought us these which make me laugh.

we've been using them on our two levels [me up stairs watching GIRL tv] him downstairs watching The Channel of Death [hunting and fishing channel] I holler down a "10-4 good buddie" command and he switches the laundry for me. it's a WIN-WIN if you ask me.
if it were a normal year? I would have asked for this:
Jimmy Choo has a new fragrance. I keep getting those strips of smells in my magazines and opening them to wipe them all over my body and that NEVER happens. Me and smells usually don't get along so well if I haven't said before. I'm art damaged in that way too I guess. Maybe next year...
Apparently. I'm not the only one who likes it...Saks has a disclaimer that because DUE TO HIGH DEMAND, A CUSTOMER MAY ORDER NO MORE THAN 6 UNITS OF THIS ITEM EVERY THIRTY DAYS. umm WOW -ok. Not available till March. You can pre-order it on Saks' website or walk into the JC store if you must