The story begins in the bathroom. Yes, the bathroom. Me getting ready for my day like always. Towel on my head, my giant {mostly} white bathrobe, my 10 skincare products and 5 cosmetics. All of us crammed into my 3x3 ft bathroom [this I do not kid]

Chris came in with my morning coffee {have I told you he goes out every morning to buy us fancy coffee? he does} he came into the 3x3 ft bathroom - wedged himself in and the conversation started into something not related to anything of a ring. Big life conversations which he and I do so well. Mostly these happen in bed at night but this day, they happened in the 3x3. And I reminded him of a private joke we have together to lighten the mood. "SQUIRREL!" like the movie UP if you've seen it.

He got this very serious look on his face and everything got kinda weird for a second and then he asked me to be his always and forever. Me with my towel on my head and half-way white bathrobe in the 3x3 crammed in with the toilet and all. I thought he was joking - he reassured me he was not. I half-giggled nervously and said yes. I said yes because he's been my always and forever almost since our first date 6.5 years ago. He apologized for it not being the proposal he had planned. He had something else lined up {proper and sparkly] but he couldn't resist after our talk. It was perfectly imperfect I might say. Which is just like us. I wouldn't have wanted it any other way.
glam photos by the amazing Gyslain Yarhi
this made me cry.
someday i will tell you my story and you'll die at how similar they are. except mine included a creampuff. in a smaller bathroom.
plus i was naked.
thank you for writing this for me! FOR ME!
I love this. So special! Congrats again, R!
naked and cream puffs I believe call for a full blown story on Mackin. just sayin'
Granted I am hormonal but this made me teary.
My story involves a zit and the hallway on my way to work. He asked me to marry him and I said fuck you.
Happily ever after. It's real. Real.
Ahh, thanks for sharing, what an adorable proposal! Best of wishes!
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