Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Olio United-film series
Check out "the story behind the product" film series by a super cool store in Portland Olio United: what they say about their store:
we love to share stories with our customers. We believe that people have the right to know how products are made and where they are made. Our mission is to carry products that are aesthetically inspiring and beneficial to people’s lives, from the maker of the product to the consumer.
From fashion consciousness to global consciousness, we connect the dots. Quite honestly, we don’t believe that the world needed another retail store . . . it needed one with a better purpose. There are numerous global issues facing us today, and with smart consumer spending and support of local artisans and fairly made products, we can all be an active part of the solution.
Korinne James and Cathy McMurray
Monday, June 29, 2009
New in the studio - Christy & Martin
Christy and Martin finally were printed right side up [see previous post for the hilarious mirror printing]
Letterpressed one color
Lettra Pearl White sheet 110#
invite, map card, rsvp, thank you and matching place card, matching digitally printed wrap around label
envelope night blue with moss green liner and deep purple return envelope which you can't see because I've lost my photography mojo lately.

I worked with her florist [the very awesome, super exclusive Diane Frederic of Twig Floral if you're in the Los Angeles area/ Diane@twigfloral.com] that had set up the cymbidium orchid platform for the wedding and we mirrored the square format she has continuing with her cake in the invitation.
click to enlarge any of the photos [they're very lovely large and in charge]
Letterpressed one color
Lettra Pearl White sheet 110#
invite, map card, rsvp, thank you and matching place card, matching digitally printed wrap around label
envelope night blue with moss green liner and deep purple return envelope which you can't see because I've lost my photography mojo lately.

I worked with her florist [the very awesome, super exclusive Diane Frederic of Twig Floral if you're in the Los Angeles area/ Diane@twigfloral.com] that had set up the cymbidium orchid platform for the wedding and we mirrored the square format she has continuing with her cake in the invitation.
click to enlarge any of the photos [they're very lovely large and in charge]
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Away We Go
Saw it over the weekend and tortured the b-friend to go with me to the 'chick flick'. He said it was pretty cute and didn't hate it as much as he thought he would. I give it a 3 out of 4 stars - cute story, well acted, great soundtrack. Maggie Gyllenhall steals the show! [sadly, I've known a couple of mothers like this minus the stroller insanity]
It was also very exciting to see my dear friend on the big screen. She has a small part [the person they stop to ask where Maggie's office is if you see the movie] Finnerty Steeves...watch out hollywood she's going to be big ;)!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
I wanna rock witch uuuuuu.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
A perfect addition to my week
pretty you say right?
ummm but what...what's going on something is not right?

well if you wanted your wedding invites to be in code...stand in the mirror dear guests to read where you're to go

My film person forgot to reverse the film before developing...I got on press to realize that everything is backwards.

well at least I had given myself extra time on this job just in case...now I can get the color and impression just right.
ummm but what...what's going on something is not right?

well if you wanted your wedding invites to be in code...stand in the mirror dear guests to read where you're to go
My film person forgot to reverse the film before developing...I got on press to realize that everything is backwards.

well at least I had given myself extra time on this job just in case...now I can get the color and impression just right.
Monday, June 22, 2009
I kinda feel like this

I'm having a really bad day and I feel like this or maybe I'm having a bad day because I look like this I'm not sure. I've been taking on water the past few days like a row boat, the size of one too if you want to know.
I don't have anything positive to say about much of anything so I'm going to refrain from causing trouble myself and just say hello. Hello is an innocent thing, you can't get into too much trouble from that. So hello and goodbye. I hope to fix my leaky boat pronto. I'll be back in a couple days when I'm a happy camper again.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Right now...

• I miss my dad [and my family] that are in Northern California.
• I have a mild hangover from two different birthday parties this weekend. I'm just not a good drinker at all.
• Chocolate Chip cookies are about all that sounds good to me right now.
• I have a lot on my plate this week and I'm praying that I get it all done.
I hope you all have had a wonderful weekend with your Dads
photo> dad and me... age 1
Thursday, June 18, 2009
SGM Fans...
So if you're a fan of Scented Glossy Magazines you'll recognize this quote. SGM and I, if you remember went on a bloggers weekend vacation last September in Palm Springs with Decorno and Miss In Your Business.

As a gag gift I gave all of them travel mugs with funny sayings from their websites. This 140 quote definitely started the whole thing as it just screams to be put on a coffee cup. Please click here read SGM's insanely funny recap of this episode
If you're not familiar Jeff Lewis hosts a reality show on Bravo called Flipping Out. The concept of the show revolves around his flipping homes in Beverly Hills and Los Angeles and the thing that makes the show is his absolute insane type-a-ness, his uncomfortable torture of his employees [which I can't believe he hasn't been sued yet for]. This quote is a real thing for him as he makes his assistant[s] go to Starbucks and enforce the fact that his drink must be 140 degrees. The episode it appeared on, he was questioning his LOVELY SANE assistant whether or not it in fact was 140.
In honor of Jeff Lewis' new season beginning in August, SGM encouraged me to make this a real thing. It's too funny not to really. So here it is a la Zazzle.com

As a gag gift I gave all of them travel mugs with funny sayings from their websites. This 140 quote definitely started the whole thing as it just screams to be put on a coffee cup. Please click here read SGM's insanely funny recap of this episode
If you're not familiar Jeff Lewis hosts a reality show on Bravo called Flipping Out. The concept of the show revolves around his flipping homes in Beverly Hills and Los Angeles and the thing that makes the show is his absolute insane type-a-ness, his uncomfortable torture of his employees [which I can't believe he hasn't been sued yet for]. This quote is a real thing for him as he makes his assistant[s] go to Starbucks and enforce the fact that his drink must be 140 degrees. The episode it appeared on, he was questioning his LOVELY SANE assistant whether or not it in fact was 140.
In honor of Jeff Lewis' new season beginning in August, SGM encouraged me to make this a real thing. It's too funny not to really. So here it is a la Zazzle.com
The Dead Weather
I keep hearing this song on KCRW and have not been paying attention to who it is but loving it. I was thinking it was Karen-O from the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. It's actually Jack White [White Stripes] new project.

Jack white rules in concert, the man can play a guitar/bass or whatever and get, seriously, the most amazing sounds ever out of it. Not to mention he fits in with my whole "creepy stalker looking men' thing that I love. Give a listen....

Jack white rules in concert, the man can play a guitar/bass or whatever and get, seriously, the most amazing sounds ever out of it. Not to mention he fits in with my whole "creepy stalker looking men' thing that I love. Give a listen....

Did you see the post over at SF Girl by Bay about this artist? If not check it out Here[see Wed's post can't link directly]. I couldn't control myself I bought the poster how unbelievably beautiful and sexy is this? It's going in the bedroom fo-sure. I had a moment of speechless-ness followed by, I have to have it, followed by it's sort of blue note record-ish/sexy. L.O.V.E
dude $12.50....included shipping costs
pffft...whatever! even an unemployed girl like me couldn't turn it down.
Paul Michael Dellostritto artist
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Full of Fluff
I'm ready to confess. It's been fluffy around here lately. Just a photo and something snarky to write. My words have left the building with Elvis. I know when I start quoting other people regularly that my words have left. I seek solace in quotes. When I'm lost, I feel like others can fill my vacant mouth.

I don't know what happened around here the past few weeks but all heck broke loose. I'm talking insanely-big life things - things that are changing lives, mine and others. Some would say that all change is good, but these things are well...not if you ask me. Since I talk to a mythical crowd of people because commenting on fluff isn't really exciting, I'm saying it's not.
All in a week's time this is what has gone on: A near visit to the ER with this kidney thing again, the mythical kidney ailment that they can't seem to see on scans unless I'm barfing my brains out from pain. It's a Sasquatch disguising itself as a kidney. I hope this test they shot me full of radioactive goo shows something. Otherwise I'll be forced to walk/ stand on my feet and propel myself into the ER. Ahhh...modern medicine is a marvel.

A routine visit to the doctor in April, when this fluff all began [along with my layoff I might add], the doctor that gives me my pain meds ordered a new set of xrays. You know, just to see how things are going. I didn't expect anything to change much from this xray 4 years ago but a phone call from said doctor revealed that my back has in-fact got worse. A LOT WORSE. As in this curve you're seeing here is 25 degrees, mine is now at 39 degrees.
Kids, remember your protractors here...and relate it to a spine and it's not a wonder that I can't wear heels anymore. I met with a surgeon last week, expecting a conversation of "lets watch it closer" which really became "ok, so when we do surgery we can do THIS, or THIS and then I would recommend THIS. The one they go through my front, take all my parts out, set them on the table and then put them back in was especially nice to learn about.
I waited till I got outside to sob. my. brains. out.
I told him I didn't want surgery right now. Preferably never, if you might know the truth. I offered up my pinky- toes and everything –Take Them! I don't need them! The thought of being in that much pain for weeks and months does not strike a good note with me. I don't want this surgery. They agreed to run more tests to see if anything is in jeopardy, so that I might wait. I'm not sure for what, but at least when my sweetheart is out of his med program next summer so that he can shave my legs for me in my hospital bed and beg the nurses for more Dilauded when the tears are rolling down my cheeks.
I might add that this isn't the worst of the information that came down the pipe. A friends marriage is on thin ice, another friend who finally decided to take the plunge and have a child learned just today that something is very, very wrong and the baby will not live. I think by far, this one is the worst - I still don't have words for that yet, just tears for her.
Other friends who I've asked "are weird things happening to you?" have reported desperate calls from friends having affairs, people in rehab -then jail serious life insanity here.
What the Hell is going on?
I don't know...I really don't. I just know that I've never been happier doing this art thing, working really hard being creative. That is the thing that is getting me through.
So there it is, the reason for my fluff. I love my fluff. Fluff is good. So, if you don't mind for just a bit, some fluff until I get more words to string together and the insanity stops. Maybe, I'll find a solution to my spine other than taking my parts out, titanium screws and putting the parts back in - somewhere in the fluff. Maybe...they got the wrong xrays - yah, that's it. They mixed up the xrays.
fluff photo>via this person
The spine, is my very own...4 years ago

I don't know what happened around here the past few weeks but all heck broke loose. I'm talking insanely-big life things - things that are changing lives, mine and others. Some would say that all change is good, but these things are well...not if you ask me. Since I talk to a mythical crowd of people because commenting on fluff isn't really exciting, I'm saying it's not.
All in a week's time this is what has gone on: A near visit to the ER with this kidney thing again, the mythical kidney ailment that they can't seem to see on scans unless I'm barfing my brains out from pain. It's a Sasquatch disguising itself as a kidney. I hope this test they shot me full of radioactive goo shows something. Otherwise I'll be forced to walk/ stand on my feet and propel myself into the ER. Ahhh...modern medicine is a marvel.

A routine visit to the doctor in April, when this fluff all began [along with my layoff I might add], the doctor that gives me my pain meds ordered a new set of xrays. You know, just to see how things are going. I didn't expect anything to change much from this xray 4 years ago but a phone call from said doctor revealed that my back has in-fact got worse. A LOT WORSE. As in this curve you're seeing here is 25 degrees, mine is now at 39 degrees.
Kids, remember your protractors here...and relate it to a spine and it's not a wonder that I can't wear heels anymore. I met with a surgeon last week, expecting a conversation of "lets watch it closer" which really became "ok, so when we do surgery we can do THIS, or THIS and then I would recommend THIS. The one they go through my front, take all my parts out, set them on the table and then put them back in was especially nice to learn about.
I waited till I got outside to sob. my. brains. out.
I told him I didn't want surgery right now. Preferably never, if you might know the truth. I offered up my pinky- toes and everything –Take Them! I don't need them! The thought of being in that much pain for weeks and months does not strike a good note with me. I don't want this surgery. They agreed to run more tests to see if anything is in jeopardy, so that I might wait. I'm not sure for what, but at least when my sweetheart is out of his med program next summer so that he can shave my legs for me in my hospital bed and beg the nurses for more Dilauded when the tears are rolling down my cheeks.
I might add that this isn't the worst of the information that came down the pipe. A friends marriage is on thin ice, another friend who finally decided to take the plunge and have a child learned just today that something is very, very wrong and the baby will not live. I think by far, this one is the worst - I still don't have words for that yet, just tears for her.
Other friends who I've asked "are weird things happening to you?" have reported desperate calls from friends having affairs, people in rehab -then jail serious life insanity here.
What the Hell is going on?
I don't know...I really don't. I just know that I've never been happier doing this art thing, working really hard being creative. That is the thing that is getting me through.
So there it is, the reason for my fluff. I love my fluff. Fluff is good. So, if you don't mind for just a bit, some fluff until I get more words to string together and the insanity stops. Maybe, I'll find a solution to my spine other than taking my parts out, titanium screws and putting the parts back in - somewhere in the fluff. Maybe...they got the wrong xrays - yah, that's it. They mixed up the xrays.
fluff photo>via this person
The spine, is my very own...4 years ago
I have a theory...
I have a number of theories but this one involves shoes and wallets.
It's this: I think you can get a sense of a woman by her shoes and her wallet [sometimes her bag but not always].

cheap clothes on occasion, cheap accessories definitely, cheap shoes [only flip flops darling], but I have to draw the line in the sand and you must have a good wallet. Good wallets last, they take a beating, they hold your life in their hand, they represent you everywhere from Target to the gas station, to the night on the town with the girls.
I'm probably due for a new one. It's saying something like, well she had some class about 10 years ago, but well...she's aged a bit. It was a splurge after my first christmas bonus in my corporate life...Coach, black, silver hardware, has been repaired once since.
I pack that sucker full with crap - slips of paper, coins bursting from the seams. It takes my beating and still makes me look good in the process. This is what I'm talking about a 10+ year wallet that still is going strong. Invest in good things and sometimes - they pay off in the long run.
Who cares you say? I tell you this because Kate Spade is having a super blow out sample sale 75% with 5$ shipping. $400 bags are $189, and well wallets were $195 are now $89. 10 year quality for 1 year prices.
go forth and be stylish.
It's this: I think you can get a sense of a woman by her shoes and her wallet [sometimes her bag but not always].

cheap clothes on occasion, cheap accessories definitely, cheap shoes [only flip flops darling], but I have to draw the line in the sand and you must have a good wallet. Good wallets last, they take a beating, they hold your life in their hand, they represent you everywhere from Target to the gas station, to the night on the town with the girls.
I'm probably due for a new one. It's saying something like, well she had some class about 10 years ago, but well...she's aged a bit. It was a splurge after my first christmas bonus in my corporate life...Coach, black, silver hardware, has been repaired once since.
I pack that sucker full with crap - slips of paper, coins bursting from the seams. It takes my beating and still makes me look good in the process. This is what I'm talking about a 10+ year wallet that still is going strong. Invest in good things and sometimes - they pay off in the long run.
Who cares you say? I tell you this because Kate Spade is having a super blow out sample sale 75% with 5$ shipping. $400 bags are $189, and well wallets were $195 are now $89. 10 year quality for 1 year prices.
go forth and be stylish.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Sunday, June 14, 2009
right now...

right now...
•The Lakers just won. Yeah!!!
•My body feels like this card - my kidney thing from last summer is back ugh among others. it's really frustrating.
•I'm really excited about the two bridal projects I'm working on right now.
•I printed a super cute new card on Friday...something for the boys in our lives. Stay tuned.
•I'm getting off the computer tonight before 9pm it's truly amazing.
•I'm going for a walk to see if I can aggravate this kidney thing for my test tomorrow [the docs can't see anything]
but I know it's there lurking!!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
I think a fashionista was reincarnated into her fox fur coat she had to have

via. NYT The Moment Blog

via. NYT The Moment Blog
Not Shepard
it's a bird, it's a plane...it's not Shepard Fairey

If you're a fan of the propaganda poster, you might like this.
via>Adweek Blog
You have to like Red Tettemer. Not only is the Philadelphia agency sticking with summer Fridays during these lean times, it's enforcing the tradition with obscenities, threats of violence and accusations of bestiality. If you're a "Frienemy" who works past 1 p.m. on Fridays this summer, these posters will remind you that 1) you're no better than a "shithead"; 2) you deserve "blows to the groin" ("Not good blows. Hard punches"); and 3) you're probably just staying late "to molest Woodbine," the agency cat. Do any other agencies even have summer Fridays anymore?

In case you didn't know, most ad agencies have a 1/2 day summer policy on Fridays. I, might add have never worked in such a shop. And to be honest, our work load in the summer was the heaviest so, the folks on our accounts [other agencies that do have the policy] didn't really get to take advantage of it either. Imagine...a 2.5 day weekend....

If you're a fan of the propaganda poster, you might like this.
via>Adweek Blog
You have to like Red Tettemer. Not only is the Philadelphia agency sticking with summer Fridays during these lean times, it's enforcing the tradition with obscenities, threats of violence and accusations of bestiality. If you're a "Frienemy" who works past 1 p.m. on Fridays this summer, these posters will remind you that 1) you're no better than a "shithead"; 2) you deserve "blows to the groin" ("Not good blows. Hard punches"); and 3) you're probably just staying late "to molest Woodbine," the agency cat. Do any other agencies even have summer Fridays anymore?

In case you didn't know, most ad agencies have a 1/2 day summer policy on Fridays. I, might add have never worked in such a shop. And to be honest, our work load in the summer was the heaviest so, the folks on our accounts [other agencies that do have the policy] didn't really get to take advantage of it either. Imagine...a 2.5 day weekend....
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
I'm losing my mind
My relationship with all of you has begun to transform into storyland just like with my sweetheart. I often tell a story to him these days and I finish and he says to me, you've told me that story three times.
really? "umm humm", he says.

I search my pea-brain for memories of sitting in the car or over dinner when I told him that, and nothing. So, I continue to repeat. He tells me things, important things like when his school will be over and I blank them out completely. One of our only fights has been over that. I thought he would be finished a year before he actually would. He swears on his mothers life that we had a full blown conversation regarding the dates. I. don't. remember. it. at. all.

He says our relationship has survived this long because I ignore his blabber but really...I mean, I'm forgetting important life-stuff here. It's a little concerning if you ask me. Hell, I'm only 40 what's going to happen when I'm 75? I'll be in my own happy little la-la land I suppose.
So today I was going to post about this location here in LA called the Smog Shoppe. In case any of you are having an event this summer. But, I couldn't remember if I had already told you about it, so I had to search my own site to see if you too would say, "ummm you already told us about that". This is it kids, I will forget that important date you mentioned soon enough. La-La Land is creeping in.

So here it is, passed on by a potential client [letterpress was too pricey for her] but the wedding site is AMAZING. Total cool- funky with a twist of classic so check it out.
and for gawd sake don't leave a comment - I won't remember anyway.
The Smog Shoppe
"LA's greenest oasis"
Culver City
really? "umm humm", he says.

I search my pea-brain for memories of sitting in the car or over dinner when I told him that, and nothing. So, I continue to repeat. He tells me things, important things like when his school will be over and I blank them out completely. One of our only fights has been over that. I thought he would be finished a year before he actually would. He swears on his mothers life that we had a full blown conversation regarding the dates. I. don't. remember. it. at. all.

He says our relationship has survived this long because I ignore his blabber but really...I mean, I'm forgetting important life-stuff here. It's a little concerning if you ask me. Hell, I'm only 40 what's going to happen when I'm 75? I'll be in my own happy little la-la land I suppose.

So today I was going to post about this location here in LA called the Smog Shoppe. In case any of you are having an event this summer. But, I couldn't remember if I had already told you about it, so I had to search my own site to see if you too would say, "ummm you already told us about that". This is it kids, I will forget that important date you mentioned soon enough. La-La Land is creeping in.

So here it is, passed on by a potential client [letterpress was too pricey for her] but the wedding site is AMAZING. Total cool- funky with a twist of classic so check it out.
and for gawd sake don't leave a comment - I won't remember anyway.
The Smog Shoppe
"LA's greenest oasis"
Culver City
Monday, June 08, 2009
A Long Goodbye
This is a sad post in case you're not up for it.
My dear and very long time friend [J] this weekend had to put her beloved dog Miel to sleep. Putting a pet to sleep is probably one of the more difficult things to do aside from losing a loved one. This story involves both and why it's such a deep and resonating story to share.
J lost her husband 14 years ago to a motorcycle accident. A driver ran a red light and struck her husband in an intersection just yards from the entrance of her work. He had just left her, she had gone in to work on a client. As you might imagine losing your sweetheart in such an accident is life altering. Her life turned upside down. She never returned to work.

A puppy was given to her during the time following to ease her in her loss. She readily admits that she took all of her love, loss, and grief and poured it into caring for Miel. She spoke French to her [her husband was French], she traveled with her, went with her to her [new] work once she was able to do so. Miel was her companion far and above a normal dog relationship. Her whole life was about caring for her, not unlike a child, and lately a terminally ill parent.
The past few years, Miel has been ailing and all of us [her friends] have said to one another. "We are terrified for J when Miel finally goes". She. will. fall. apart. This loss will be both of her husband again, as well as her furry best friend.
I think perhaps her only blessing this time is that she could prepare herself, could move into it, not really with ease, but with acceptance. I believe The greatest of life lessons involve letting go. This is truly such a lesson.
The human mind & heart are amazing at it's resiliance don't you think? We are able to endure horrible loss and regenerate ourselves, or gather ourselves back up and begin again, Over and over. It always surprises me that we don't crumble and fall away. Yet, we get up [or lay there] stay in our PJ's, maybe turn off the phone, watch reruns of Oprah and Sex and the City and keep breathing.
This. I. find. amazing.
The outcome of this story is that J is doing well considering. But she knows that the loss itself isn't the hard part, it's the days following. She said to me "I have to figure out who I am" everything about me has been about caring for Miel. There-in lies the challenge. Who are we when the things we've been using to cover us up are removed? Who are you without your children? or sweetheart or your work? Do you know who you are?
I'm having a lot of big thoughts here today. So I think I'll just leave it at that. Hug your pet and your family big today.
this is not Miel but looks like her > via this person
My dear and very long time friend [J] this weekend had to put her beloved dog Miel to sleep. Putting a pet to sleep is probably one of the more difficult things to do aside from losing a loved one. This story involves both and why it's such a deep and resonating story to share.
J lost her husband 14 years ago to a motorcycle accident. A driver ran a red light and struck her husband in an intersection just yards from the entrance of her work. He had just left her, she had gone in to work on a client. As you might imagine losing your sweetheart in such an accident is life altering. Her life turned upside down. She never returned to work.

A puppy was given to her during the time following to ease her in her loss. She readily admits that she took all of her love, loss, and grief and poured it into caring for Miel. She spoke French to her [her husband was French], she traveled with her, went with her to her [new] work once she was able to do so. Miel was her companion far and above a normal dog relationship. Her whole life was about caring for her, not unlike a child, and lately a terminally ill parent.
The past few years, Miel has been ailing and all of us [her friends] have said to one another. "We are terrified for J when Miel finally goes". She. will. fall. apart. This loss will be both of her husband again, as well as her furry best friend.
I think perhaps her only blessing this time is that she could prepare herself, could move into it, not really with ease, but with acceptance. I believe The greatest of life lessons involve letting go. This is truly such a lesson.
The human mind & heart are amazing at it's resiliance don't you think? We are able to endure horrible loss and regenerate ourselves, or gather ourselves back up and begin again, Over and over. It always surprises me that we don't crumble and fall away. Yet, we get up [or lay there] stay in our PJ's, maybe turn off the phone, watch reruns of Oprah and Sex and the City and keep breathing.
This. I. find. amazing.
The outcome of this story is that J is doing well considering. But she knows that the loss itself isn't the hard part, it's the days following. She said to me "I have to figure out who I am" everything about me has been about caring for Miel. There-in lies the challenge. Who are we when the things we've been using to cover us up are removed? Who are you without your children? or sweetheart or your work? Do you know who you are?
I'm having a lot of big thoughts here today. So I think I'll just leave it at that. Hug your pet and your family big today.
this is not Miel but looks like her > via this person
Saturday, June 06, 2009
I'm considering a new hair-do

How cute is she in this photo?
I need something that will work with my curly hair [I'm over the straightening thing] and possibly be a wash and wear with a few products.
I've cut it off a few times in my life, I'm not afraid to do that. It's just the maintenance thing. I need low, LOW maintenance these days. hummm I don't recall this length being very easy now that I think about it.
Also from the other night
these two girls you should check em out! interior design in Huntington Beach
Friday, June 05, 2009
Fun stuff

Blog Out Loud was super fun last night. There were some very wonderful people that came out, had great questions. It seemed everyone got a little something from what we had to share.
May I introduce you to a few of the lovelies I met last night?
Destined To Design SUPER cute blog. A girl after my own heart. Food, fashion, design, life
Folkloreye design and paper
blue pool road more yummy paper
and 100 layer cake...which by the way has an amazing story posted about a surprise wedding. I cried.
Thursday, June 04, 2009
changes, beginnings, questions & UHauls
They've asked me to speak tonight about blogging as I noted below, how I manage it in my day-to-day, how it effects my work and/or creative business. The idea of talking in front of a group of people about this sort of thing makes you really think. As in, do I know what the hell I'm doing here writing? I'm not sure. What exactly am I writing about these days? Not very much, scanning through my last few weeks of posts. I've been cheating my way out of talking lately, posting an image or a quick thought and running. Because, It's easier to run than to think.

Since my layoff from my job of 14 years, just... what, a measly 6-8 weeks ago? I've been running non-stop. Networking, calling folks, doing these little bit projects on the side and not knowing where I am going. I don't have a plan and I always have a plan. I always have a schedule. I am a structured sort of person. I wake up at this time, I eat at this time, I run errands from this time-to this time. This is the way it's always been and now it's not and I'm a little turned upside down.

Applying for jobs right now is difficult for me because I continue to ask myself, what do I want my life to look like for the next ten years+? I say ten years because I don't move often, if I have to. I'm not a one date kinda girl, I'm a lets bring the UHaul trailer sort of girl [btw does not work well in dating and probably not work now that I think about it]. Each time I apply for a job I think will I love it? Can I stay there for 10 years? most often my answer is no. I might also mention that I have the delusion that every job I apply for, they will offer me. I should know better than this but I haven't got past it yet.

Yes, I'm weighing the idea of going balls-out on my own. Doing this printing thing full time, this graphic thing full time, this consulting thing full time, this jack-of-all trades whatever the hell I do....full time. I'm afraid to say that it's what I want REALLY because what if all this work I've been doing dries up? What if I can't support myself with it? Negative Nelly has arrived.
So here's the thing. I'm finding my way right now. I apologize if I phone it in for a little while until I sort through the giant UHaul of my brain figuring out what's happening in my life. I promise to write more about this, as I know I'm not alone in this struggle.
And with that...I sign off because my first piece of advise to someone who is interested in blogging? Keep it short. People are on overload they have 2-4 min to spend on your blog, they want a pretty picture and a little bit of info and they want to get the hell out. At least I do. There are very few blogs I read more than 2 paragraphs.
So there you have it. I hope I can get my UHaul straightened out by this evening when they ask me about all of this. How unfortunate for me to say...what a minute I know I saw the ladle in this packing box somewhere!
and my photos today? totally random, just like my brain. All were taken by me should you be curious, on my last big producing job in Key West. Ah the good ol' days
Since my layoff from my job of 14 years, just... what, a measly 6-8 weeks ago? I've been running non-stop. Networking, calling folks, doing these little bit projects on the side and not knowing where I am going. I don't have a plan and I always have a plan. I always have a schedule. I am a structured sort of person. I wake up at this time, I eat at this time, I run errands from this time-to this time. This is the way it's always been and now it's not and I'm a little turned upside down.
Applying for jobs right now is difficult for me because I continue to ask myself, what do I want my life to look like for the next ten years+? I say ten years because I don't move often, if I have to. I'm not a one date kinda girl, I'm a lets bring the UHaul trailer sort of girl [btw does not work well in dating and probably not work now that I think about it]. Each time I apply for a job I think will I love it? Can I stay there for 10 years? most often my answer is no. I might also mention that I have the delusion that every job I apply for, they will offer me. I should know better than this but I haven't got past it yet.
Yes, I'm weighing the idea of going balls-out on my own. Doing this printing thing full time, this graphic thing full time, this consulting thing full time, this jack-of-all trades whatever the hell I do....full time. I'm afraid to say that it's what I want REALLY because what if all this work I've been doing dries up? What if I can't support myself with it? Negative Nelly has arrived.
So here's the thing. I'm finding my way right now. I apologize if I phone it in for a little while until I sort through the giant UHaul of my brain figuring out what's happening in my life. I promise to write more about this, as I know I'm not alone in this struggle.
And with that...I sign off because my first piece of advise to someone who is interested in blogging? Keep it short. People are on overload they have 2-4 min to spend on your blog, they want a pretty picture and a little bit of info and they want to get the hell out. At least I do. There are very few blogs I read more than 2 paragraphs.
So there you have it. I hope I can get my UHaul straightened out by this evening when they ask me about all of this. How unfortunate for me to say...what a minute I know I saw the ladle in this packing box somewhere!
and my photos today? totally random, just like my brain. All were taken by me should you be curious, on my last big producing job in Key West. Ah the good ol' days
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Blog Out Loud Event

Thursday night, be there or be square.
Rumor has it that it's sold out. I mean, if we were selling tickets it would be sold out but it's free so it's just, you know, full and stuff.
lord help me...I get so nervous talking in front of people. I have a xanex waiting with my name on it. kidding! kind of
Big Thoughts
Monday, June 01, 2009
ummm, uh...well...I....

I'm all about skincare but well, I can't sign on for this.
There are so many jokes to be told surrounding this article that I don't know where to begin. Plus, this is a clean blog girls my family reads this on occasion so I'll defer this to Decorno for letting it rip.
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