I'm going this evening to print on the press that I'll be buying this weekend. I've already printed on it but the guy I'm buying it from knows I'm working on a wedding project that needs to get completed so he's letting me have a second round before the truck and crew come to pick up "Stella" , as I've named her, on Monday.
Next to my car this is probably the largest, single purchase I've ever made. I don't own a house so I don't have that one to compare it to. Somehow this decision, though scary, is not as paralyzing for me as it normally would be. I'm not quite sure where the confidence in this is coming from but I'll take it. I'm normally a person who operates from fear, or rather, non operates from fear. I get myself so worked up about the what-if's that I talk myself out of good things. Like the Chanel dress for instantance that I mentioned a while back.
This, obviously, is much different. It's something that works, that creates, that helps me to make the art that feeds my soul. People often ask me how I do so many projects at a time ie: full time job, classes, photography, freelance, writing for the site and to be honest, I don't really know how it all gets done. It's a force greater than me. It's a creative force that propels me when I don't think I can do any more. There have been moments in the past few years with down time, with nothing scheduled and I always feel empty inside. Creating for me is like breathing.
So here it goes...possibly the craziest purchase, next to my vintage 65' Vespa [I sold her a couple summers ago] that I've ever made. I hope the universe is gearing up to send me paying clients because my savings account is oh so sad today. I'm walking confidently, yet blindly into this new section of creativity.
So if you have a minute today, if you could send some good thoughts my way, or possibly share with a friend that may need some letterpress work to be done my info I would be so grateful. Soon I'll have a site up with all my work so I can direct people to but first I have to get this 1200 lb piece of love home.
oh, man...stressity stress stress!
this will be GREAT! just the sight of that beauty will spark creativity, don't you think?
and my friend? not friends with ivanka...just a biz-niz dinner. but you never know...
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