Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Sharon Stone

And just one more side bar which I think is from the Emmy's as well? The Fug girls called Sharon Stone out on this dress... but my gawd...hello this woman is 50-something you cannot tell me she is not amazing! Granted the dress is a bit funky with the splash as-is but I'm gonng give her some fashion love here cuz she's working it and those shoes are to die for. Think if you click the image it will enlarge for more fashion love.

both images via go fug yourself


  1. sharon stone looks amazing! i wish i look like that when i hit her age! dear gawd.

    that dress is actually very sexy. i would of loved it even more if that swirl around the wasit went all the way back like a wrap. very sexy though and the colors are awesome.


  2. she is absolutely gorgeous!
