I enlisted the super talented Erina Murata for one more video to celebrate the new card releases. I mean how do you not use Don Ho's classic song Tiny Bubbles with this card?
It's Thursday! lets celebrate with some Champers! Ok maybe it's a little early, instead you can buy the card here ;)
I did not realize there were so many candy corn haters in the world till recently. I mean, Candy Corn? It's the waxy, sugary candy Grandma keeps in the candy dish. How can you hate on Grandma's candy dish?
I've been itching to do more videos and collaborations. So hopefully in the future you'll see more fun projects like this. I was fortunate to be introduced to Erina Murata by a friend. She lives in Japan, I live here but I sent her a message and said I love your work! Let's do something together. She said YES! and voilé.
You can find Erina's work on the Social @muumenna
Song: Bow Wow Wow - I Want Candy
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Original Artwork Copyright - Richie Designs and Richele Silva