Source: via Richele on Pinterest
Source: via Richele on Pinterest
Source: via Richele on Pinterest
Source: via Richele on Pinterest
Source: via Richele on Pinterest
Source: via Richele on Pinterest
I ran into a distant friend a couple weeks ago. She had battled some cancer a couple years ago and was doing lovely the last I saw her. So when I saw her enjoying a beer with a friend I didn't hesitate to ask "how is your health" when she told me it had returned and without much mercy this time. I think I went numb... I think she said something that I don't want to say out loud. Time seems to be very fleeting if I heard her correctly.
All I've thought about since I saw her is "what does she want to accomplish? What can we do to get her to that place before she leaves us?" I want to drive her to eat ice cream at the tip of Mexico if that's what she wants to do on a Tuesday afternoon I'm not joking about this. Though a Tuesday, might require a little planning on my part.
I saw this video today and was reminded that everyone should share their story. I am uplifted by people who get up everyday, even when they really don't want to and keep going.
read more about the project at Kickstarter They're almost there!
So, What do you want to accomplish? What can we do to get you there?
Source: via Richele on Pinterest
Source: via Richele on Pinterest
Source: via Richele on Pinterest
Source: via Richele on Pinterest
hope you're having a glorious weekend
imagine never having to think about which tops go with which bottoms. It makes dressing, when you're half asleep, so much easier.
Source: via Richele on Pinterest
Source: via Richele on Pinterest
Source: via Richele on Pinterest
some of my top selects lately over on Pinterest
Source: via Richele on Pinterest
it's going to be a long week kids. lets start out with a laugh.
Source: via Richele on Pinterest
Ever have those days where you just want to get on a plane and disappear for a while? I was dreaming of this place today.
Can't you just feel that water? it's the perfect temp I'm just sure of it
Source: via Richele on Pinterest
Source: via Richele on Pinterest
Source: via Richele on Pinterest
Source: via Richele on Pinterest
I'm generally pattern phobic, I'm just noticing and admiring folks who can pull off a bold graphic and get away with it.
Source: via Richele on Pinterest
Best thing I've seen on the web in a LONG while... Refueled Magazine be sure to flip through the full issue!
I may be a middle.class.white.girl but I love Ice T. I have for years as in... I remember when Cop Killer came out [and the scandal] with Body Count and where the term OG came from - lets get that part clear.
I have a huge love for Public Enemy and Dr. Dre it seems odd to say it really, but I have always felt that they were telling the truth. It may have not been my truth, but theirs for sure.
I was thrilled to hear about this documentary. It's not about the chains, the cars, the houses or the Ho's it's about the music.
white girl can't wait.
Source: via Richele on Pinterest
things I'm thinking about lately
a day off, possibly two whole days off... in.a.row most American's do it. I've seemed to have found a way not to.
cloning myself
iced coffee
Mad Men - the last two episodes made my head explode from art damaged joy
The show The Pitch [on after Mad Men]. Chris Burch [ex-husband of Tory] is a super douchebag. I can say that here, it's my blog.
on happier notes, it's pink peony season
and also, dark chocolate with caramel and sea salt from Trader Joes will change your life