BEST. TV. SHOW. HANDS. DOWN. can I tell you?...minus the smoking, booze & cheating the ad world is nearly the same as it was.
....I've never looked like that in a cocktail dress though
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Another quick drop in... I've got about another 2 weeks of crazy before I come back to any regularity. Thought I would share this little clip with you. I present to you America's Plus Size Super Model Crystal Renn
Size 10 my ass! cute no matter what but please already we all know she's not a size 10
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Just dropping in for a split second...
It's not completely done yet but have a sneak peek at our new website. Eventually we'll see past all the virtual moving boxes and move into our new "house".
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
It's not the truth, I have a lot to say, it's just at this moment in time there doesn't seem to be a lot of time to say it. The next couple of weeks are CrAZy! I think I'm going to take a little blog breaky-poo catch you kids in a couple of weeks. I've hidden the key to the liquor cabinet while I'm out so you don't get into trouble while I'm away. though...I suspect you'll find the key anyway - just make sure to tell me your antics so I can live through you.
Here's what I can tell you...about 6 years ago I went to NYC and had a cupcake at Magnolia. I came back screaming cupcakes from the rooftop and they of course went viral somewhere a couple of years ago.
Then I said food trucks. Gourmet food trucks were going to be the rage. Witness the insanity of food truck mania lately, to know, I kid you not.
Today I'm going to tell you a secret of what I think is going to be the next big thing.
yes, odd I'm sure you think. But they're an oddity, a French oddity and I suspect in about 2-3 years you will see a macaroon store near you. Or possibly an article in your local paper talking about these curious little cookies.
Did I ever tell you about my friend Raquel? We were friends through an artist group I belonged to we met once a week for years [close to 15 years ago now]. I knew her through friends prior to that. Every once in a while she chatted about this guy named Paul that she dated every now and again when he was in town. He was a musician. She even sat in on one of his recordings as a back up singer. This is what I knew of Paul. She never mentioned his last name.
We were driving in the car a year + after I had first heard about her Paul and she says something about "Paul Weller". And I put it together. Excuse me? Paul Weller That's your Paul? As in Paul Weller from The Style Council?
umm, yes she says, I thought you knew? Um NO!!!! you have never mentioned his last name!
They were on the end of their little tryst at that point so I did not get to meet him, which is your next question I'm sure. So close and yet so far away.