Oren Lavie has been on my computer sticky note for about 2 months now of music I want to buy. The first time I heard him I thought, wow they must have found old tapes of Nick Drake in a vault. Nick Drake if you're not familiar, died, I believe in the mid 70's. He also died of an overdose of antidepressants, which makes for a odd oxymoron. Before that fatal day though he became a noted singer-songwriter [and even more so post-mortem]. If you ask any musician about him they will go on for days. It's one of those things, like The drummer for the Police or the bass player for Primus. Compare and let me know what you think.
First... Oren Lavie
Compare with Nick Drake's Pink Moon which VW used a few years ago
Thanks to Gregory for posting over at AT today to remind me. I always forget You Tube has everything!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
and one more before I depart for the weekend
Please take 3 minutes to click over to hear this interview with a 7 YEAR OLD when he was interviewed for NPR's This I Believe.
I don't have any words for it really except unbelievable.
Thirty Things I believe by Tarak McLain.
Thanks Sherri!
I don't have any words for it really except unbelievable.
Thirty Things I believe by Tarak McLain.
Thanks Sherri!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Christian Dior - Pre Fall 09
I'm freaking a little... actually a lot, about the economy so I'm going to avoid it by showing you the most delicious clothes ever. Me and Dita Von Teese...all the way in these baby.
Not really my color I would look I was dead...but love the lines

this is more my speed and forgiving for the muffin top

I know it's not PC to like fur...but I'm really liking it right now. Don't hate me.

Ditto. I mean it's just a little collar.

I'll wear it to the office I swear. Minus the Prince lace thingy though.

this is more my speed and forgiving for the muffin top

I know it's not PC to like fur...but I'm really liking it right now. Don't hate me.

Ditto. I mean it's just a little collar.

I'll wear it to the office I swear. Minus the Prince lace thingy though.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
The cheerleader incident
The guy and I went out for dinner and a movie Saturday night. There is a little independent art theater called, The Art, actually that was newly renovated just a few blocks from my house. It's in a section of town that is one street over from sketchy, it's filled with funky vintage shops, a fantastic independent coffee shop, a rockabilly style barber shop. You know the section, we all have a section of town like that. This is my section though, the one I've been shopping on since my 20's. The one I met my ex-husband on. The one that I went to the movies even when the sad, old seats would leave spring marks on my ass.

I'm so happy for our little part of town, the new refurbished theater is doing well, a wine bar has gone in and our newly favorite noodle shop is both tasty and inexpensive.
It's my. part. of. town. if I haven't mentioned that yet.

I was enjoying my glass of wine and Pho [noodles] when a group of people arrived at the front door and they looked familiar. A few minutes later they pushed a zillion tables together and in piles the cheerleaders. The ones I went to high school with, the ones that were a year or two ahead of me, the ones in school that drove up in new cars and had all the fancy clothes. They drove across town, to MY street. The one I have lived off of, in three different apartments just-this-side-of-sketchy, over the past 20 years.
grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. MY. STREET.
They don't know me [nor recognized me], and to be honest I don't know them. I'm sure they're lovely people in their Range Rovers, and skinny jeans, I'm sure the shop owners don't care where they live as long as they spend money. I should be glad too if I could get past it all. But there it is. It's becoming gentrified, because these women would have turned their noses up at this street just a year ago but now it's cool to go slummin' with the rest of the art kids.
They followed us across the street to the movie as well. Two whole rows of people. More money for the million dollar restoration I tell myself. I don't have a choice, I have to let them in. But I just want you to know....
it's still my street.

I'm so happy for our little part of town, the new refurbished theater is doing well, a wine bar has gone in and our newly favorite noodle shop is both tasty and inexpensive.
It's my. part. of. town. if I haven't mentioned that yet.

I was enjoying my glass of wine and Pho [noodles] when a group of people arrived at the front door and they looked familiar. A few minutes later they pushed a zillion tables together and in piles the cheerleaders. The ones I went to high school with, the ones that were a year or two ahead of me, the ones in school that drove up in new cars and had all the fancy clothes. They drove across town, to MY street. The one I have lived off of, in three different apartments just-this-side-of-sketchy, over the past 20 years.
grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. MY. STREET.
They don't know me [nor recognized me], and to be honest I don't know them. I'm sure they're lovely people in their Range Rovers, and skinny jeans, I'm sure the shop owners don't care where they live as long as they spend money. I should be glad too if I could get past it all. But there it is. It's becoming gentrified, because these women would have turned their noses up at this street just a year ago but now it's cool to go slummin' with the rest of the art kids.
They followed us across the street to the movie as well. Two whole rows of people. More money for the million dollar restoration I tell myself. I don't have a choice, I have to let them in. But I just want you to know....
it's still my street.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Don't you just want to take a nap here?

just want to lay down with a good book and a blanket in this room...sweetie, can you bring me my cappuccino while you're in the kitchen?
via>Marie Claire Maison which is French darlings...I have no idea what the hell the caption says
Sunday, January 25, 2009
February's - W Magazine
I'm a fan of thinking differently, Of pushing the artist way. W Magazine I applaud...has been doing so the last few years. Letting actors art direct shoots, or being their own photographer [Angelina Jolie's cover by Brad Pitt]. This month's issue is no different. Presumably pumping up Benjamin Button, Brad is front and center for this month's cover. What is more notable though, is when asked who he would like to photograph him he said Chuck Close.
Close, known for his life-like portrait painting, uses old photographic techniques to get his silvery images, he then uses them to reference for his paintings. Close's work though amazingly life-like, is also known for not being extraordinarily kind to his subjects. Here-in lies the bravery of Mr. Pitt.... Front and center, sans Photoshop.
I know most women swoon for Mr. Pitt. He's a handsome guy I'll admit - but he's not really my thing. I guess, a little too pretty for my taste. I do like his zest for life these days and his pursuit of art and living - those things do make him more attractive to me. What made me lose my sh*t for this cover was Mr. Close's work, who is one of my favorite big named painters. I knew it was his work, before I saw the photo credit.

But I'm also a fan of the fantasy. So who cares if this spread was retouched. My sistah-ness in turning 40 this year, Christy Turlington Burns Shot by the amazing Mario Sorrenti. Rock on 1969.

Photographed by Mario Sorrenti Styled by Camilla Nickerson
W On newsstands now
Close, known for his life-like portrait painting, uses old photographic techniques to get his silvery images, he then uses them to reference for his paintings. Close's work though amazingly life-like, is also known for not being extraordinarily kind to his subjects. Here-in lies the bravery of Mr. Pitt.... Front and center, sans Photoshop.
I know most women swoon for Mr. Pitt. He's a handsome guy I'll admit - but he's not really my thing. I guess, a little too pretty for my taste. I do like his zest for life these days and his pursuit of art and living - those things do make him more attractive to me. What made me lose my sh*t for this cover was Mr. Close's work, who is one of my favorite big named painters. I knew it was his work, before I saw the photo credit.

But I'm also a fan of the fantasy. So who cares if this spread was retouched. My sistah-ness in turning 40 this year, Christy Turlington Burns Shot by the amazing Mario Sorrenti. Rock on 1969.

Photographed by Mario Sorrenti Styled by Camilla Nickerson
W On newsstands now
The Wrestler
Saw this over the weekend. Mickey Rourke was exceptional as everyone has been talking about.
Not a happy-go-lucky film but amazing non-the-less.
How much creamer?

Now you have two options on directing creamer quantity. This lovely mug for the more conservative drinker via Suck UK. Or you could just use this description that my very vocal friend gave to me as I was heading to buy us coffee "I like a lot of creamer, I want it the color of my nipple!" [and yes, she's has flashed me enough through our years of friendship, that I knew what this was]
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Down with the flu
I've been down with the flu for the past few days. posting will be light but just gotta say this morning..
Rock On Obama
Rock On Obama
Sunday, January 18, 2009
New In the Studio -Bridal Shower
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Do you know who Shepard Fairey is?
You probably don't know his name but you may recognize this:

and if not you will definitely recognize this:

and soon you will recognize this:

I'm not sure how it is in other cities but if you travel anywhere in Los Angeles you will eventually see Andre The Giant [first pic]. He's not as prominent as he was a few years ago attached to freeways, plastered on buildings and anything that stood still but he's still around. I thought for a long time it was a band, then it just became this thing around town, eventually you don't think much about it with the exception of "oh hey, there's another one", It's like an old friend.
When Obama's Hope and Change posters began popping up I thought to myself g*d dammmm that is some good f*in' graphics. The type on those posters is impeccable. He is one smart cookie for hiring someone to do a young hip graphic for him. And then Shepard's name came up and then I put it all together. or so I thought
I heard an interview with Shepard last week. Turns out, he just made the posters because he liked the guy. He managed to get a super low-level campaign person to quietly approve the use of his image but it was more like "we'll, we're not really apart of it, but we like your work". And, it turns out old Andre and Obama ended up having a similar wide-swept path. If I heard the story right, he offered the "change and hope" graphics on his website for people to print and put up as they saw fit and a unparalleled Viral Campaign was born. Obama's team soon realized that there was something to this artist and the rest is history. They of course asked him to do the inauguration poster pictured here and apparently the Smithsonian has snapped up a few posters to add to the beginning of The Obama Collection.
I'm late to this band wagon really, but I'm obsessed with Shepard's work at the moment. I'm more obsessed at how he turned this propaganda imagery that he loves so much into his "thing" and how we all respond to good graphics. This is my explanation of course. His is much more thought out and detailed. So I'll leave you with his message. BTW look for his work turning up at Saks Fifth Ave this spring. He's responsible for their new campaign.
Here is an excerpt from his Facebook fan page:
The FIRST AIM OF PHENOMENOLOGY is to reawaken a sense of wonder about one's environment. The OBEY sticker attempts to stimulate curiosity and bring people to question both the sticker and their relationship with their surroundings. Because people are not used to seeing advertisements or propaganda for which the product or motive is not obvious, frequent and novel encounters with the sticker provoke thought and possible frustration, nevertheless revitalizing the viewer's perception and attention to detail. The sticker has no meaning but exists only to cause people to react, to contemplate and search for meaning in the sticker. Because OBEY has no actual meaning, the various reactions and interpretations of those who view it reflect their personality and the nature of their sensibilities.
Many people who are familiar with the sticker find the image itself amusing, recognizing it as nonsensical, and are able to derive straightforward visual pleasure without burdening themselves with an explanation. The PARANOID OR CONSERVATIVE VIEWER however may be confused by the sticker's persistent presence and condemn it as an underground cult with subversive intentions. Many stickers have been peeled down by people who were annoyed by them, considering them an eye sore and an act of petty vandalism, which is ironic considering the number of commercial graphic images everyone in American society is assaulted with daily.

and if not you will definitely recognize this:

and soon you will recognize this:

I'm not sure how it is in other cities but if you travel anywhere in Los Angeles you will eventually see Andre The Giant [first pic]. He's not as prominent as he was a few years ago attached to freeways, plastered on buildings and anything that stood still but he's still around. I thought for a long time it was a band, then it just became this thing around town, eventually you don't think much about it with the exception of "oh hey, there's another one", It's like an old friend.
When Obama's Hope and Change posters began popping up I thought to myself g*d dammmm that is some good f*in' graphics. The type on those posters is impeccable. He is one smart cookie for hiring someone to do a young hip graphic for him. And then Shepard's name came up and then I put it all together. or so I thought
I heard an interview with Shepard last week. Turns out, he just made the posters because he liked the guy. He managed to get a super low-level campaign person to quietly approve the use of his image but it was more like "we'll, we're not really apart of it, but we like your work". And, it turns out old Andre and Obama ended up having a similar wide-swept path. If I heard the story right, he offered the "change and hope" graphics on his website for people to print and put up as they saw fit and a unparalleled Viral Campaign was born. Obama's team soon realized that there was something to this artist and the rest is history. They of course asked him to do the inauguration poster pictured here and apparently the Smithsonian has snapped up a few posters to add to the beginning of The Obama Collection.
I'm late to this band wagon really, but I'm obsessed with Shepard's work at the moment. I'm more obsessed at how he turned this propaganda imagery that he loves so much into his "thing" and how we all respond to good graphics. This is my explanation of course. His is much more thought out and detailed. So I'll leave you with his message. BTW look for his work turning up at Saks Fifth Ave this spring. He's responsible for their new campaign.
Here is an excerpt from his Facebook fan page:
The FIRST AIM OF PHENOMENOLOGY is to reawaken a sense of wonder about one's environment. The OBEY sticker attempts to stimulate curiosity and bring people to question both the sticker and their relationship with their surroundings. Because people are not used to seeing advertisements or propaganda for which the product or motive is not obvious, frequent and novel encounters with the sticker provoke thought and possible frustration, nevertheless revitalizing the viewer's perception and attention to detail. The sticker has no meaning but exists only to cause people to react, to contemplate and search for meaning in the sticker. Because OBEY has no actual meaning, the various reactions and interpretations of those who view it reflect their personality and the nature of their sensibilities.
Many people who are familiar with the sticker find the image itself amusing, recognizing it as nonsensical, and are able to derive straightforward visual pleasure without burdening themselves with an explanation. The PARANOID OR CONSERVATIVE VIEWER however may be confused by the sticker's persistent presence and condemn it as an underground cult with subversive intentions. Many stickers have been peeled down by people who were annoyed by them, considering them an eye sore and an act of petty vandalism, which is ironic considering the number of commercial graphic images everyone in American society is assaulted with daily.
A mascara recommend

I haven't tried this yet, but my good friend and hairdresser called me today to tell me specificly about this product. She said it was so amazing she kept staring at herself all night. She likened it to lash extentions, amazing lash extensions that is.
I told her, but I don't have a problem with the length of my lashes, they are already long. She said "me too, but this sh*t is unbelievable" really I'm not kidding and she said I picked it up even though the bottle looks like something Miley Sires would use.
There you have it girls, straight from the hairdressers mouth and she's one hottie that girl. I trust her on this one for sure.
Monday, January 12, 2009
In my nicest, sweetest voice, errrr...design
I really need to print cards like this and just set them down in front of people that I know and love.

It's PMS again. It started this morning with a serious case of the blues. To be honest it started Saturday, but I just thought it was frustration over a freelance project that is having it's bumps. But the frustration lasted into Sunday, and then I woke up this morning just a total Eyore. It's now moved into I'm the ugliest person to walk the planet. Ah yes, that lovely time of the month.
Don't you think these would be great? You could leave them on your coworkers desk, leave one next to your sweetheart's coffee in the morning. I'm sure he would be appreciative.
I might follow it up with:

Let me know if you're interested in a set I'm willing to share the love.

It's PMS again. It started this morning with a serious case of the blues. To be honest it started Saturday, but I just thought it was frustration over a freelance project that is having it's bumps. But the frustration lasted into Sunday, and then I woke up this morning just a total Eyore. It's now moved into I'm the ugliest person to walk the planet. Ah yes, that lovely time of the month.
Don't you think these would be great? You could leave them on your coworkers desk, leave one next to your sweetheart's coffee in the morning. I'm sure he would be appreciative.
I might follow it up with:

Let me know if you're interested in a set I'm willing to share the love.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Anthony Bourdain - In Spain
I saw this episode a couple of weeks ago of No Reservations and continue to think about it. I would describe myself as a undercover foodie. By that I mean, I love a fine dining experience, but I'm also kinda cheap, so the few times I've had the opportunity of a truly fine dining meal it has been through a design trade, or my good friend April [in the restaurant biz and who has eternally spoiled me for good food!], or someone else was paying.
So knowing that, I get a little crazed about the idea of a fabulous meal. I might mention I'm also kinda picky. The service has to be on par with the food [bad service will doom my meal from the start], or for instance if the menu says "Food likened to DiVinci's perfection" [a local restaurant has something like that on their menu] you had better damn well be able to back it up [they didn't]. I'm totally down with a taco hut, I can appreciate a yummy burger from a local pub but if I'm making a reservation, getting dressed up, and driving 40 minutes...don't disappoint me is all I'm saying.
knowing this, did you know there are more Michelin Star'd restaurants in Spain than anywhere else on the planet? Yes, my people can cook.
I did a week in Spain during my semester abroad. It consisted of cheap hotels and very unfine dining, unless you count that paella I still dream of. It makes me crazy excited to see this much good food all at once. The You Tube episode is in 5 parts so you'll have to be patient, but if you're a fan of good food, or Spain, or Anthony. It will embed in your brain.
el Bulli here I come.
So knowing that, I get a little crazed about the idea of a fabulous meal. I might mention I'm also kinda picky. The service has to be on par with the food [bad service will doom my meal from the start], or for instance if the menu says "Food likened to DiVinci's perfection" [a local restaurant has something like that on their menu] you had better damn well be able to back it up [they didn't]. I'm totally down with a taco hut, I can appreciate a yummy burger from a local pub but if I'm making a reservation, getting dressed up, and driving 40 minutes...don't disappoint me is all I'm saying.
knowing this, did you know there are more Michelin Star'd restaurants in Spain than anywhere else on the planet? Yes, my people can cook.
I did a week in Spain during my semester abroad. It consisted of cheap hotels and very unfine dining, unless you count that paella I still dream of. It makes me crazy excited to see this much good food all at once. The You Tube episode is in 5 parts so you'll have to be patient, but if you're a fan of good food, or Spain, or Anthony. It will embed in your brain.
el Bulli here I come.
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
My sofa is in a sad, sad state.

Draper Sofa CB2 $799 love the stripes

Avec Sofa $1199 mine already looks a little like this one though.

Annex Sectional $549-699 I really want the sectional- of course it's the most expensive.

Draper Sofa CB2 $799 love the stripes

Avec Sofa $1199 mine already looks a little like this one though.

Annex Sectional $549-699 I really want the sectional- of course it's the most expensive.
Oh Louis....

My nephew asked for a skateboard from Santa this year. He can have the board I'll take the case.
Louis Vuitton limited edition skateboard $8250
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
You can smell 10 years younger

Apparently through The Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation located in Chicago [really? there is such a place??] they found that a whiff of pink grapefruit made men perceive women 8-12 years younger than their actual age. This company expanded that research and came back with scents that men around the world said smelled of "youth"
Ageless is a mix of pink grapefruit, citrus, tropical fruits and cherry blossom. Perceived youth ain't cheap girls... this little number will set you back $120.

My vote? try something in the Pink Grapefruit line at The Body Shop. This Body Butter $10 for a mini size Report back when you get carded!
I'm having a moment about snakeskin

I've been having a moment, well for a while now. These little purple numbers by Sam Edelman are way cute. $115 Piperlime
random inspiration
less blabbing! I need some inspiration - lets look at fun stuff for a while

I LOVE THIS take on the original

Super-deluxe Sense Spa at the Carlyle Hotel
"platinum mosaic tiles, leading down to the five treatment rooms. (“Don’t ask how much they cost,” someone muttered. “You’ll shoot yourself.” via The Moment Blog

Style Maven
Iris Apfel >via Beach Bungalow 8 click over to see her other photos. I'm going to be a stylie 80 year old like that. Bring me my fur darling!!

I LOVE THIS take on the original

Super-deluxe Sense Spa at the Carlyle Hotel
"platinum mosaic tiles, leading down to the five treatment rooms. (“Don’t ask how much they cost,” someone muttered. “You’ll shoot yourself.” via The Moment Blog

Style Maven
Iris Apfel >via Beach Bungalow 8 click over to see her other photos. I'm going to be a stylie 80 year old like that. Bring me my fur darling!!
Monday, January 05, 2009
Gettin' all Oprah on your arse
Oh gawd, I really hate that I'm talking about this it's so evolved of me, so new-agey blahhht gross, so well Oprah of me really. But here it is, my confession to you all.
I turned on my 'Secret' audio tape again this weekend and hit the trails. The book isn't new, I'm sure you've all heard of it, if not seen it. It's funny this book, I've been doing this sort of thing for the past 15+ years without calling it this. I think it began during a time when I was so at a loss with what to do with myself that I would just walk, without a headset, and just keep going. It wasn't unlike me to walk 1.5 hrs + a day and sometimes more on the weekends. Without knowing it, things just began to process and then I began concentrating on things I needed, say an apartment. I wanted specific things though, like a long hallway and french doors and it needed to be in a certain price range and then like magic it would appear. Or oddly enough a parking space which a friend and I have since nicknamed "asking Doris [as in Doris Day who always got the best spot in front] for a spot" it works nearly every time. You have to give her a little warning though... say when you leave your house. Not as you pull up to your location, she doesn't work that fast. I got a little out of sorts about 6 years ago and stopped or forgot about my skills in asking. The audio tape on my ipod is a good reminder for me to get clear.

You have to get clear about your life before you can ask. This is what I know for sure as Oprah says. If you are wishy-washy about it, if you change your tune the next day, if you don't hold steady with the thing, whatever it is, it won't work.
I'm really good with being clear with work and art. I'm very clear about wanting my job to be secure this year and onward. I wish I could ask my coworkers to listen to the tape and say the same little thoughts and prayers that I say as I drive into the carport each day, and up the stairs, and in the front door. I think if we all focused on the same things we would be even more successful than previous years. I think, it may be a little too "Jerry McGuire" for all of us to handle said out loud.
What I noticed this weekend on my walk though is I'm not very clear personally. I've been talking a good game for a lot of years about the personal stuff. The thing is, when it comes time to ask, I say yes! totally 'fer sure' one day and change my tune the next. Thankfully the universe hears my hesitation and knows I'm not there yet. I did manage to get clear with one aspect. I asked out loud the other night to the other person involved whether he might be interested in possibly being engaged this year. This summer it will be 5 years of being best friends. He's a little busy with the whole school thing so he's pondering. It's totally fine with me if he ponders for a while, I said I wanted it, but you know... not all that quickly for gawd sakes because that would mean I would need to decide about the other things and I haven't got myself situated with that. Baby steps here, baby, mini-tippy toes really. Just a sparkily to wear...and the idea of that, later, way later.
I admire this woman and, this woman [& my non blogger friend April] so much. They often speak about the love of their children. To me, they totally know what they're doing even if they don't know how they're going to get there some days buried under sparkily shoes and glue sticks. The thing that resonates to me is that they all have pondered the thought of making great big people, where as I only can ponder the thought of cutie, snuggily little people. I don't know if I want to do the big people part. I mean really? Making sure they know how to go out into the world? I don't even know if I do that well. The sneakers, the designer jeans, the girls calling the boys, the boys calling the girls? I don't know about that or anything past the age of 2. Maybe 10 months really, if I'm being honest. Just before the walking part. And only sometimes... say like on the weekends, between 1-3pm after yoga or possibly a holiday or two, maybe Easter Sunday because I love a good chocolate bunny. This people...is called babysitting, which I love by the way should you be in need. Perfect little fixes of the cutie, snuggily.
Anyway... back to the getting clear part. I'm working on it. Until then I'm just going to enjoy their stories and keep drawing pictures. Because that is something I know for sure. If you're working on the getting clear I can recommend the audio book, the dvd is a little hokie it's available on itunes should you be in need.
I turned on my 'Secret' audio tape again this weekend and hit the trails. The book isn't new, I'm sure you've all heard of it, if not seen it. It's funny this book, I've been doing this sort of thing for the past 15+ years without calling it this. I think it began during a time when I was so at a loss with what to do with myself that I would just walk, without a headset, and just keep going. It wasn't unlike me to walk 1.5 hrs + a day and sometimes more on the weekends. Without knowing it, things just began to process and then I began concentrating on things I needed, say an apartment. I wanted specific things though, like a long hallway and french doors and it needed to be in a certain price range and then like magic it would appear. Or oddly enough a parking space which a friend and I have since nicknamed "asking Doris [as in Doris Day who always got the best spot in front] for a spot" it works nearly every time. You have to give her a little warning though... say when you leave your house. Not as you pull up to your location, she doesn't work that fast. I got a little out of sorts about 6 years ago and stopped or forgot about my skills in asking. The audio tape on my ipod is a good reminder for me to get clear.

You have to get clear about your life before you can ask. This is what I know for sure as Oprah says. If you are wishy-washy about it, if you change your tune the next day, if you don't hold steady with the thing, whatever it is, it won't work.
I'm really good with being clear with work and art. I'm very clear about wanting my job to be secure this year and onward. I wish I could ask my coworkers to listen to the tape and say the same little thoughts and prayers that I say as I drive into the carport each day, and up the stairs, and in the front door. I think if we all focused on the same things we would be even more successful than previous years. I think, it may be a little too "Jerry McGuire" for all of us to handle said out loud.
What I noticed this weekend on my walk though is I'm not very clear personally. I've been talking a good game for a lot of years about the personal stuff. The thing is, when it comes time to ask, I say yes! totally 'fer sure' one day and change my tune the next. Thankfully the universe hears my hesitation and knows I'm not there yet. I did manage to get clear with one aspect. I asked out loud the other night to the other person involved whether he might be interested in possibly being engaged this year. This summer it will be 5 years of being best friends. He's a little busy with the whole school thing so he's pondering. It's totally fine with me if he ponders for a while, I said I wanted it, but you know... not all that quickly for gawd sakes because that would mean I would need to decide about the other things and I haven't got myself situated with that. Baby steps here, baby, mini-tippy toes really. Just a sparkily to wear...and the idea of that, later, way later.
I admire this woman and, this woman [& my non blogger friend April] so much. They often speak about the love of their children. To me, they totally know what they're doing even if they don't know how they're going to get there some days buried under sparkily shoes and glue sticks. The thing that resonates to me is that they all have pondered the thought of making great big people, where as I only can ponder the thought of cutie, snuggily little people. I don't know if I want to do the big people part. I mean really? Making sure they know how to go out into the world? I don't even know if I do that well. The sneakers, the designer jeans, the girls calling the boys, the boys calling the girls? I don't know about that or anything past the age of 2. Maybe 10 months really, if I'm being honest. Just before the walking part. And only sometimes... say like on the weekends, between 1-3pm after yoga or possibly a holiday or two, maybe Easter Sunday because I love a good chocolate bunny. This people...is called babysitting, which I love by the way should you be in need. Perfect little fixes of the cutie, snuggily.
Anyway... back to the getting clear part. I'm working on it. Until then I'm just going to enjoy their stories and keep drawing pictures. Because that is something I know for sure. If you're working on the getting clear I can recommend the audio book, the dvd is a little hokie it's available on itunes should you be in need.
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