First off the invitations I completed in letterpress Saturday. I spent 8.5 hours standing on concrete, not eating or drinking [dumb, but by the time I needed something the little snack shack was shut down] I had to admit at 4pm to my teacher that I was truly running on vicodin [not in a fun way either] to keep myself upright with my back issues. He thought I was joking but I wasn't. Had it not been for my dear friends deciding to get married [after 11 yrs] in less than 10 weeks, I would not have done this to myself but what came of it was really beautiful. I'm so loving designing invitations right now and my letterpress class has opened so many new options for me. I'm very excited to try new things. [I'm available for hire! richele[at]]

There is a sweet story behind it as well. Ian, Khobe's son who is now 14 recently asked my good friend and his "dad" to adopt him. He wants to attend high school with Dave's last name. After discussing it between the three of them, Dave said he would love to and prompted the marriage in May [It was long overdue anyhow]. So in the end it really is the marriage of their family more than anything which is amazing.

Khobe asked for twigs, brown and green [click any image to enlarge]. After a little illustration time I came up with this and then it went from there. Lucky for me she's an easy client. We got the layout and changes done in less than two weeks. I told her I couldn't promise letterpress but I was able to pull it off yesterday. It turned out even more beautiful than I had thought.

Then I got up this morning to attend a bridal shower for someone else and became the photographer for the event as well. I didn't sit down for 3 hours. As I'm weeding through my images right now apparently my exhaustion is showing because most of my images have movement in them. I'm so bummed that I F*cked up so many shots. I hope I at least have a handful to give to them in the end. ugh.

I did stop to eat this. Warm cake with berry topping and vanilla bean ice cream. Yum! I asked for a second scoop of vanilla.
Now I should be doing chores but I'm so tired. Can't the laundry fairy come to visit tonight? I would be oh so grateful.