Today, I quiet possibly read the most brilliant, most important article ever written by the
Washington Post.
In highschool, I had this photo cut out and taped to the box that held all my makeup. I got to look at it every morning and dream that my Jake Ryan would finally ditch the cheerleader and realize I was his dream girl. It never happened. I finally realize that I'm not alone. And although I haven't thought about this man in years I'm so thrilled that other women still do.
from the Washington Post written by Hank Steuver
I forwarded this article to some girlfriends today, one of which lives in Wilkes-Barre, PA with Michael Schoeffling. I have told her that
it should be her current life's work to find him...especially since she is in the process of buying a house and may need bids from construction people. I'll forward the camera phone photo as soon as possible. She also wrote "Jake Ryan is the reason I'm not married today".
My other girlfriend who I jokingly sent the same story too and highlighted the bit about women our age naming their boys Jake [her son's name is in fact, Jake] I thought she would get a laugh out of it and she
completely cop'd to naming her son after him -much to her husband's horror as she said he found out a few months after he was born of this fact.
I think someone should check into this issue. I mean, this seems to me like a national epidemic...we were "lead to believe" this person exsisted in our very formative dating years. We are all mentally scarred from it. I'll completly stand up and testify for this woman's litigation.
"Thanks for bringing this [Jake Ryan's nonexistence] to my attention," e-mails Penny Britell, 35, who works as a producer at CBS News in Washington."It reminded me that my lawsuit against John Hughes, Michael Schoeffling ('Jake'), and Universal Studios (collectively, 'the parties of the second part') is still in limbo whilst the Supreme Court decides whether to hear the case, which seeks unlimited damages for the permanent emotional disability incurred as a result of seeing aforementioned film and consequently believing such perfect men existed."thanks to
Scented Glossy Magazines for the lead to the story...I am forever grateful