The Last Good Day of the Year
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Monday, August 27, 2007
Some good snippets
" When it comes to getting dressed, men are a little bit more important than handbags but less important than shoes"
From the article
How to Dress Like the Perfect Couple
by Ashton Kutcher
September's Harpers Bazaar
Further reason I need to be super rich...
September W magazine debut's Christian Louboutin's new made-to-order atelier where they take a mold of your foot and hand craft each shoe around you. I'd have to travel to Paris...oh darn it!
I'm sickeningly trying to figure out how to have this accomplished as every single pair of shoes I own don't fit me. I've been cursed with the longest skinniest foot known to man and no one makes widths of shoes anymore except the orthopedic brands.
maybe with my freelance money....she thinks outloud.
Oh gawd...I'm so completely out of my mind
Conference Call
I just happened to have a conference call with this man today. We're having him bid on a job at the office. Iconic surf photographer Art Brewer. My boyfriend is going to be so jealous.
That maybe the closest I ever get to Laird Hamilton or Kelly Slater who need to stay away from me because one or both of them of course would immediately fall in love with me and sweep me away to a tropical paradise. wink wink
Speaking of....

Did I ever mention I have the most horrible crush on John Mayer?...and Justin Timberlake but John seems more down to earth so in my fantasy life he would also fall madly for me and leave his single days behind. I think at 38 I'm officially a cougar?? say it isn't so...
from the new Gap "Classics Redefined"
From the article
How to Dress Like the Perfect Couple
by Ashton Kutcher
September's Harpers Bazaar
Further reason I need to be super rich...
September W magazine debut's Christian Louboutin's new made-to-order atelier where they take a mold of your foot and hand craft each shoe around you. I'd have to travel to Paris...oh darn it!
I'm sickeningly trying to figure out how to have this accomplished as every single pair of shoes I own don't fit me. I've been cursed with the longest skinniest foot known to man and no one makes widths of shoes anymore except the orthopedic brands.
maybe with my freelance money....she thinks outloud.
Oh gawd...I'm so completely out of my mind
Conference Call
I just happened to have a conference call with this man today. We're having him bid on a job at the office. Iconic surf photographer Art Brewer. My boyfriend is going to be so jealous.
That maybe the closest I ever get to Laird Hamilton or Kelly Slater who need to stay away from me because one or both of them of course would immediately fall in love with me and sweep me away to a tropical paradise. wink wink
Speaking of....

Did I ever mention I have the most horrible crush on John Mayer?...and Justin Timberlake but John seems more down to earth so in my fantasy life he would also fall madly for me and leave his single days behind. I think at 38 I'm officially a cougar?? say it isn't so...
from the new Gap "Classics Redefined"
Sunday, August 26, 2007
What I did on my weekend vacation

Because I live such the glamorous life...wanted to share what I did over the weekend. I ended up blogging the story on Apartment Therapy as well because...I didn't really have a better story to share but this one.
My office looked like someone barfed and took a big ol poo on the carpet and I couldn't take it any more...landlord called the carpet cleaners for us so it required a full purge of everything in the room.
along with and hopefully the last event of the season...a baby shower on sunday. So the room had to be dismantled on Friday afternoon, put back together on Sat/Sun before the event, not to mention my AT work and normal chores.
I can't wait for this summer to be done with I'm so exhausted with parties, events, and all my jobs
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Johnny Cupcakes

If you ever had a doubt that you could do something you should click over to read this the story of Johnny Cupcake who doesn't really sell real cupcakes but took a nick name and really ran with it. Apparently he's has a store now on Boston's "Rodeo Dr" hawking his wears in a very funny manner. From his site...
"I opened up shop on “Boston’s Rodeo drive” - 279 Newbury Street. The same street as stores such as; Marc Jacobs, Chanel, Armani, Nike Town, Burberry, Urban Outfitters, French Connection, H&M, and lots more. This was/is a dream come true. I wanted my store to be more of an experience. Still having that jokester inside of me, I thought it would be funny and perfectly fitting - to transform my store into a high end bakery-themed boutique! My Dad and I gathered and installed hardwood floors, stainless steel baking trays, vintage antique refrigerators & curved glass bakery cases displaying my t-shirts. The store also consists of a 1000 lb dough mixer from 1930 & an iron cast wood burning oven from the 1890’s. I hid vanilla scented air fresheners throughout the shop, to make it smell like a bakery. My employees wear aprons. On weekends & select days we give out FREE home made cupcakes with every purchase. The t-shirts are even packed in bakery boxes!"
Makes me think of Paul Frank and his silly little monkey.
Cute stuff...and goes with my cupcake obsession. Sprinkles should be partnering up with this kid for his wears. If that happens let me know so I can collect my royalty check.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Linda Envangelista

Elegance has no age. You can have all those other skinny, big eyed, leggy girls...I'll still take Linda any old day.
A tear sheet from my new Vogue [September remember is the largest issue of the year] 800+ pages. My postman
will hate me soon because the others are still due in.
Linda in Giorgio Armani for Neiman Marcus
Monday, August 20, 2007
St. John Knits

If you're not familiar with this brand you may recognize the face of St. John a little gal called Angelina.
Years ago before St. John was sold from being a Southern California family owned company, they used the daughter of the owner, Marie Gray I think was the name? I didn't know much about the company then but do recall saying month after month of seeing advertisments...why the heck would they use this woman in their advertising? Yes, she was attractive but she did not speak to me as "someone I would aspire to be". Their clothing is really lovely clean and classic but I just could never get past that woman. I did not want to be her.
Thankfully once the company was sold and turned over to a board of better fashion thinkers they scooped up Ms. Pitt a couple years ago just before she got preggers and really hit the big time. Lets just say timing was definitely in their favor.
I have a new respect for their designs now and could very much see myself wearing them once I robbed a bank, or married a rich old O.C fart and took his credit cards.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Are you sitting down?

DITTOS ARE BACK! Yes, girls I am not joking here. 70's bell-bottoms are back in their "original high waisted, derriere-enhancing cut" but definitely at 2007 prices $158.00 available here
I wore them the first time around so I think that immediately cancels me out from wearing them again...and based off this photo it's not so flattering even on the model so I think I may skip it anyhow. Chemin de' fer's [sp?] anyone? you know what I'm talking about don't even pretend you don't.
another weekend, another event

One of my dear friends, Kira got married [Rather Re-Married/ See bottom of archive page] this weekend. shhh her mom doesn't know that she was already hitched last October...they did the proper deal with family and friends in their back yard this past weekend.
My memory card went kablooie after about 18 photos so here are just a couple. This weekend I was hair dresser and photo assistant so when my own camera went belly up I was a little glad for the break actually.
Photo 1: Kira is practicing not crying here reading her vows to his children which were very sweet and touching. We were also standing in the air conditioned room doing touch ups on her hair. 2. and of course glasswear and me are good friends in a photo.
It was also great catching up with fellow blogger Angeleen of Lucky Seven Cat Ranch who has been a long time friend through Kira. We hadn't seen each other I think in 10+ years! I'm sure she'll be posting more photos.
Friday, August 17, 2007
a bit of humor to send you off for the weekend

I should qualify this entry by saying that I suck at drinking -so much so my nickname is grandma because I just can't keep up. but the last couple of weeks were doseys and I wanted to recap a conversation that happened that really explains it all.
Wed evening 7:30pm
Me: Phone rings... hey what's up?
Pam: What are you doing?
Me: I'm lying in bed drinking a beer.
Pam: You're what?!?!
Me: I just got home from work and I'm exhausted and hungry but I'm too tired to fix anything and there was one beer left in the fridge so I opened it. But then I really just wanted to lie in bed and watch "Access Hollywood" so that's what I'm doing: I'm watching cheesy TV, in bed, drinking a beer.
Pam: OMG. I think that's the most hysterical thing I've ever heard you say.
....and that my friends describes the last two weeks.
photo via flickr
Monday, August 13, 2007
Post Secret Video
If you're not familiar with Post it's one of the most amazing anthropology art projects I've ever seen.
3 years ago, the founder of Post Secret asked strangers to mail in their secrets on a post card. He has had hundreds of thousands of entries so far and published numerous books.
This is his first short movie about it with some of the entries.
still in crazy land with work...probably more silence here.
Sunday, August 05, 2007
a bit of slience this week
This will probably be it this week girls...I'm set to work a bizzillion hours at the 9-5. it's going to be a rough few weeks coming up. We're shooting about 6 months worth of work in 3 + weeks. ohhh I just can't wait! it's going to be so fun....she says sarcasticly.
budget fashionista

This little shirt dress from the gap is quite nice. Wear over jeans or leggings though
[unless you're 20 & a size 0]

Also, this little shirt dress is made very well for the Target Go Line from Libertine. I had to have it shortened though. Over jeans it's too needs to hit just below the chubby part of thigh [you know what I'm talking about] to look right. $29.99 + alterations
They're real and they are fabulous!

I couldn't help but use the Seinfield line for the headline. I forgot to mention that I did allow myself my one indulgance from my want list. I allowed it because I have an event every weekend in the month of August that I can wear them to but mostly I was just over obsessing about them for years. Now I can truly be a crazy old lady and wear my furs, diamonds and [carry my] shoes with my flowered house coat when I'm 90 to the supermarket.
Not sure I can say the Louboutin's changed my life but I've came and conquered! I definitely need a dress to go with them. The jeans thing just does not allow full exposure of the stunning beauty that they are.
Class of 1987

Well like with anything, I seem to make a grand entrance when all I want to do is sneak in and observe. My girlfriend from highschool and I went late to avoid the dinner and just go to see everyone. We entered the ballroom it was being held in and it just happened to coincide with the "moment of silence" for those who had passed away. Of course we were laughing and being loud and everyone turned around to see who the annoying people were. Hi!! we're here!!
The tables were full of all the same groups from highschool and every insecurity I ever had came flooding back. Would these people talk to me now? or would it be the same old thing? It felt very much like the same old thing at the beginning and I was regretting my decision and anxiety to go.
Out of 700 graduating students only 150 or so came. It was a sad affair - The people I wanted to see weren't there. I should rephrase that, the boy I wanted to see wasn't there. The one I had the mad crush on all through jr. high and highschool who didn't know I exsisted ;) it's ok I googled him and have seen what he looks like- hehe
There were a good handful of people I was glad to see and connect with. Surpisingly there were a number of women who looked really good. I had always heard at the 20 yr the women looked like hell. A few of them who wouldn't talk to me then, did which was nice. A couple of surprises - as one drunk woman professed after asking about her children "It's so f*cking hard, I had no idea how much work it was going to be, I wish they came with an instruction book" she sort of wobbled off in a drunken haze and my friend I both said "wow guess she's having a good time with her kids." Maybe she's been reading my posts and decided to give me proof on my hypothesis?
My friend and I were definitely in the top 3% of looking good - I suppose that is the best revenge.
I'm not sure what to say about this experience from last night...I'm not sure yet if I am glad I went or it didn't change a single feeling I've ever had about those people. I think the fat lady has sung in that department. I don't think there is a reason to attend a 30.
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