Wednesday, May 30, 2007
The most amazing singer in the world pt 2
I saw Lisa Gerrard last night, and as I have seen her every time in the past 15-20 yrs? wow! she never disappoints. I'm not sure how to describe her voice or her music if you're not familiar...she's sort of opera but not really, she's sort of goth but not really, she's sort of religious but not's kinda like going to a punk rock church. The You Tube piece above is probably 10+yrs old but her voice is still as haunting and moving.
If she is in your area I beg you to go see her...her shows generally sell out but there has not been alot of press about this tour [which is in your benefit] which is for a "best of album". If you go it will be one of the most memorable shows ever. She's in San Diego tonight Wed 30th more tour dates can be seen on her site
She doesn't tour often, as she has concentrated on her film scores for the past 10 yrs or so. This tour covers some of that music as well as her Dead Can Dance work. [Gladiator and Whale Rider are just two of her films]
Thursday, May 24, 2007
The most un-sexy use of money ever

Considering I have metal in my spine and chronic back problems to accomodate said metal, you would think I would have done this some time ago but last weekend I finally ponied up and bought a real office chair. I say real because my last two office chairs were: 1. wood chair from Ikea that cost me 19.99 that I threw a pillow on, then I moved up to 2. An "office looking chair" that my boyfriend found in an alley [for himself] then passed on to me when it he was going to throw it out. It was worse than the first in that it was too low and not movable, required multiple pillows behind my back to prop me forward to name a few of it's issues. Each time I worked at my computer for longer than an hour, my back hurt, my neck and arm were burning etc...I injured my back last weekend [again] doing some very light gardening and after 2 vicoden and still no relief, the thought of sitting at my desk and navagiating the pillow brigade made me cry. I had been contemplating two chairs and funny enough got to sit in my dream chair over at DWR at the Apt Therapy event. My co-editor Gregory told me he had once owned it and had gone back to his 'uglier' relax the back chair and after sitting in both I agreed.
So fast forward to my two vicoden afternoon and my trip to Relax The Back I ended up spending more than my bed on my office chair. The kid helping me did give me 10%off for taking the floor model but low and behold 1200$ later I'm so depressed that all of my freelance money has been spent on something so UN-Fun. It's a fantastic chair, and my back actually felt better after working in it for 2+ hrs on sunday than it did when I started so I guess in the long run it's a sound investment. It's like buying tampons though, flushing money down the toilet on something that should just be given to us for free if you ask me. I also bought "dirt" from Target that morning for my gardening. Such a sad shopping day indeed.
Sunday, May 20, 2007

I don't know about you but I need to consistantly dangle a carrot in front of myself otherwise I get cranky and bored. This was on the wall at Design Within Reach/Beverly Hills when I was at our event last week for Apt Therapy.
Franki sent a comment asking if it was projected on the wall. I believe it was the wall decals you can find at places like
Wonderful Graffiti.
Friday, May 18, 2007
happy bee-day to me
not sure what's up with blogger today but my photo won't load so it's a boring old text entry.
The big 38 today. I have NO idea when that happened-it feels more like 26. I'm trying to decide what it means that my first two calls this morning wishing me happy birthday were both from my ex-beau''s been a very odd morning indeed. Actually, now that I think about it they have been my only calls this morning. hummm! I did get one text message though and one email.
It feels like it will be a magical year. This week has brought some interesting things already my way. I'll report later when I know more about them.
The big 38 today. I have NO idea when that happened-it feels more like 26. I'm trying to decide what it means that my first two calls this morning wishing me happy birthday were both from my ex-beau''s been a very odd morning indeed. Actually, now that I think about it they have been my only calls this morning. hummm! I did get one text message though and one email.
It feels like it will be a magical year. This week has brought some interesting things already my way. I'll report later when I know more about them.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Coolest Smallest Contest Winners Announced Thurs nte

If you're in the LA/Beverly Hills area tomorrow night stop by the DWR store in BHills [9647 Brighton Way] myself and another AT:LA editor will be there to get our drink on and announce the winners of this years contest. Event starts at 7pm winners to be annouced probably around 8pm.
I'll be drinking in the corner before the event if you need me...people, I type... I don't speak in front of crowds! ;)
Hope to see you there.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Monday, May 14, 2007
Mr. Miyagi gets ready to kick some arse

Big Guy: Listen here! you will obey me or I will take you out at the knees...
Mr. Miyagi: I may be little but I'm going to kick your butt!
Karate kid [me]: Yah...WHAT HE SAID!! [boxing behind him pretending to fight] we're going karate on your arse!! right after we clean a bunch of stuff and wax on/wax off!
If you are totally confused read the entry below...just adding humor to my day here -don't mind me!
cupcake overload weekend

I reused my magnolia photo for this but it has been a cupcake overload weekend. Friends brought a couple dozen very expensive little nuggets over to a dinner party we had on saturday night for an early birthday celebration. Of course I ate 4 in a 2 day period. ugggh.
Thus far I have avoided my normal b-day depression that usually begins about Jan 3rd when I realize my birthday is looming, somehow this year it forgot to torment me for months on end but I feel it creeping in this week. As a favorite writer describes her depression...'it's like an old friend that flanks your side just when you thought it had gone away-it walks next to you reminding you what giant loser you are, it whispers in your ear when you're not looking just to see if you'll allow him in'.
What if I ignore it- if I pretend that I'm not listening to it? Like the homeless that I walk away from when they are begging for change on the street...[I always feel bad doing that] What would happen if I refuse to believe the horrible things the voice has to say to me? Perhaps that is the way to view it-it is the devil trying to creep into your mind and your heart. I'm doing karate chops this week to it... I'm not going down without a good fight. I'm not allowing a mear number to decide for me how I feel or decide my destiny [it's mostly about having children], I know that I'm stronger and bigger than something like that. I'll let you know who wins the wrestling match, my bets are high for myself at the moment.
Gawker's wedding weekend review
Apparently the New York Times is on to Gawker's rating section and are trying to throw them off base. They still seem to be doing a good job of making it the straight girl's sports page.
This week's winning couple:
Ann Lee and Fabian Caceres
Ann is a private practice attorney; Fabian does equities at the NYSE. -20
Their friends call them "walking Zagat guides." Gross! -10
They got engaged at the opera. -10
The wedding party featured an "Argentine meat-carving station" and "pumpkin risotto with lobster." If we were really committed to the weird semi-sincere populist shtick we've developed here this would probably have to sink Ann and Fabian another 30, but whatever, these sound like good foods. +10
The table setting at the wedding reception included "delicate white silk butterflies," as a reference to the lady: apparently Fabes calls her "his butterfly." +10
The best part of the night was when the band did "Somebody Told Me." -5
The best part of the honeymoon was "swimming with sharks in Australia." +30 for fearlessness, good taste in animals
Total: +5
Gawker's Wedding Page Review
This week's winning couple:
Ann Lee and Fabian Caceres
Ann is a private practice attorney; Fabian does equities at the NYSE. -20
Their friends call them "walking Zagat guides." Gross! -10
They got engaged at the opera. -10
The wedding party featured an "Argentine meat-carving station" and "pumpkin risotto with lobster." If we were really committed to the weird semi-sincere populist shtick we've developed here this would probably have to sink Ann and Fabian another 30, but whatever, these sound like good foods. +10
The table setting at the wedding reception included "delicate white silk butterflies," as a reference to the lady: apparently Fabes calls her "his butterfly." +10
The best part of the night was when the band did "Somebody Told Me." -5
The best part of the honeymoon was "swimming with sharks in Australia." +30 for fearlessness, good taste in animals
Total: +5
Gawker's Wedding Page Review
Monday, May 07, 2007
Isabella Blow 1958-2007

I'm not sure why I didn't see anything about this on or any of the other fashion blogs today but style icon Isabella Blow passed away [suddenly] Saturday in England [reports are that it was cancer]. A style maverick known for her eccentric fashion and always, always her crazy millinery collection. I don't recall ever seeing a photo of her without a really wacky hat.
Her last position in fashion was Contributing fashion editor-at-large to Tatler which she worked for many years, she also worked for American and British Vogue in her vast career in editorials, as well, she was instrumental for launching a number of fashion careers Alexander McQueen [pictured here], milliner Philip Treacy as well as models Stella Tennant and the notable Sophie Dahl.
Not the most handsome of women, she did have great style and made up for her lack of view, I would say, with a view of her own.
From The Telegraph UK:
In 2002, the London Design Museum devoted an exhibition to her collection of Treacy hats in conjunction with a book, “When Philip Met Isabella.” One of those hats was called ‘Pheasant” and it was this design which she once said she wanted to be buried in.
ViaThe Telegraph UK
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Things I've been loving lately

•Amy Winehouse Back to Black I might be over the rehab song already but the rest of the CD is really good. Love the old Motown sound.
•STill...I'm rereading this book again it was so good. I can't say enough good things about it. Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert
• Jacuzzi size latte's from my neighborhood cafe called The Starling Cafe the goat cheese and mushroom eggs with polenta potatoes are to-die-for too.
• The song "Beautiful Day" by Patty Griffin
• Yellow and gray together.
• Cat naps
• Being creative in new ways I didn't think were possible.
• Little comforts like watching TV in bed, stopping working at night when I feel like it, going back to my yoga practice after my year long hiatus/injury, enjoying quiet moments at home.
• Fruit Punch colored lipgloss
looking forward to:
• Dinner with my friends next saturday for an early B-day
• For the first time in a long birthday or at least not dreading it I should say...
• The Lisa Gerrard concert at the end of this month
• Buying myself a birthday prize...I don't know what it is yet though
• The end of the school year for the boyfriend 5 weeks to go before I get him back.
• New adventures
Thursday, May 03, 2007
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