1. I have a whole lotta metal in me from scolosis surgery at 21. This is a xray of my spine...note the bra strap and bb ring as landmarks.
Most frequent question on it:
Do you set of metal detectors? No, so if you swallow your gun you'll be just fine.
Did it hurt? like a mother. I wouldn't wish that pain on my worst enemy.
Had I not been all jacked up I would have been 5'9" ish which makes since why I wear the shoe size I do [10-ish]. I like to think I would have been a super model too with that height. Please, let a girl dream!

2. I taught myself how to cut hair while I was managing hair salons in my 20's. When I told a good friend/hairdresser I had done that she checked out my ex who I cut and she was shocked not to find anything wrong with it. I only figured out his one haircut and haven't had a guinea pig since so probably lost those skills. It was fun though.
3. I have worked as a salon mgr, make up artist, producer, wardrobe stylist, account person, a little art direction in my jobs. it's never a dull moment. I'm a jack of all trades - master of none.
4. my secret wish is to have a solo art show someday with my paintings and prints
5. I spent a semester abroad in London when I was 20. It was one of the best experiences of college for me. I wish I hadn't been so homesick and would have traveled more after my school was done. I was there at the same time Nelson Mandela was released from prison [the city exploded], and 3 months after the Berlin wall came down [I have a piece] it was a great time in history to experience Europe.
6. Though I wish I could have been spared the experience, it did shape me in a profound way when I found my ex-husband in a diabetic coma twice. That was an interesting summer, I learned we can all handle much more stress and medical trama than we think we can and that you can sleep with one eye open if you have to. Needless to say, he had a death wish [among many things] and I'm no longer married to him. Despite himself - he's still alive last I heard.
7. I am a research whore. I'm the answer girl. If I don't have the answer, I know where to find it or whom to call to get it. it serves me well.
8. I don't like prints and pattern much, but I do love stripes and polka dots just not together.

9. My favorite color changes: currently it's a pastel-y blue nicknamed Butterfield 8 by the paint guy at Apt Therapy. Liz isn't so bad herself.
10. If I thought I could make it through the science classes I would be an acupuncturist. I believe in that medicine way more than anything else but I can't memorize anything to save my life- there in lies the problem.
I'll post my favorite blogs next...and figure out who to pass this little pet project on to.